Couple of questions

Say one has many many users and multiple groups, Perhaps over 100 users and 5-10 groups. IS there a quick and easy way to change all of the INDIVIDUAL user rights to the same settings? SAy I wanted all to have the “modify self” and the "Show Ticket"right.

Next queston:

I have a couple of global custom fields and many group custom fields. Can I manipulate the position of the global fields to appear first in sequence on the “create ticket” page?

I’ve read the docs, searched the list archives and looked through Linux
books, but I’m still trying to figure out why RT takes about 1-2 minutes
to create a ticket. Other tasks take awhile, but those are less time
sensitive for the RT users. Is this normal behavior? and will updating
to .07 help?

I’m running RH 7.3 with Apache 1.3.29, mod_perl-1.29, MySQL 4.0.16.
I’ve ran top, while users query, and don’t see anything max out (CPU,
load, memory usage, etc).

Here is a snapshot of how the system looks during slow response.
up 1 day, XX:XX, 1 users, load average 0.08, 0.18, 0.30
121 processes: 118 sleeping 3 running 0 zombie 0 stopped
CPU States: 1.3% usr, 0.9% system, 0.0% nice 98.2% idle
Mem: 125372K av, 121600K used, 3748K free, 0k shrd, 1476K buff
Swap: 257000K av, 208860K used, 48140K free 280922K cached

MySQL and Httpd pop in and out of the top 10, but never more than 10%
mem or CPU. Where else can I look for the performance hit?

Here is the sequence I followed during installation:
Complete Server install of RH 7.3
Removed any RPMs from RH for Apache (conf, manual, devel, etc)and
unzip & untar & install MySQL 4.0.16
unzip & untar apache and Mod_Perl
Makefile mod_perl with USE_APACI, PREP_HTTPD and EVERYTHING = 1
make and make install mod_perl
configure apache with activate-module=libperl.a
make and make install apache
installed CPAN modules
installed RT-3-0-6

Nothing else is running on this machine. Slow response was seen with no
applications running other than Gnome desktop, which at the time didn’t
have any children hogging up CPU in the top 10 either.

Thanks for any help,

Mem: 125372K av, 121600K used, 3748K free, 0k shrd, 1476K buff
Swap: 257000K av, 208860K used, 48140K free 280922K cached

That’s 97% of your real memory used up, and a lot of swap. Since rt3 is the
only thing running on the machine, that’s probably the culprit.

I had similar problems here until I set MaxRequestsPerChild from unlimited (0)
to 2500. (and then stopped/started Apache) Your machine may benefit from a
similar setting, depending on activity. I haven’t yet upgraded to 3.0.7 to
see if that fixes it.

Here is a snapshot of how the system looks during slow response.
up 1 day, XX:XX, 1 users, load average 0.08, 0.18, 0.30
121 processes: 118 sleeping 3 running 0 zombie 0 stopped
CPU States: 1.3% usr, 0.9% system, 0.0% nice 98.2% idle
Mem: 125372K av, 121600K used, 3748K free, 0k shrd, 1476K buff
Swap: 257000K av, 208860K used, 48140K free 280922K cached

One might want to see exactly which processes are eating all that
memory. But I’ll note that 128 megs of ram just isn’t that much in this
day and age. You mention below that you’re also running gnome desktop.
Gnome + X also eat a cough bit of ram.

Request Tracker... So much more than a help desk — Best Practical Solutions – Trouble Ticketing. Free.

Mem: 125372K av, 121600K used, 3748K free, 0k shrd, 1476K buff
Swap: 257000K av, 208860K used, 48140K free 280922K cached

That’s 97% of your real memory used up, and a lot of swap. Since rt3 is the
only thing running on the machine, that’s probably the culprit.

Well, what does free tell you? For example, my current desktop machine
says this in top:

Mem: 1033512k total, 960796k used, 72716k free, 200284k buffers
Swap: 136544k total, 73140k used, 63404k free, 518424k cached

But if I look at free:

         total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached

Mem: 1033512 960864 72648 0 200288 518644
-/+ buffers/cache: 241932 791580
Swap: 136544 73140 63404

So yes, it’s using 960 MB of memory but really, a huge amount of that is
just buffered stuff. If I started a whole bunch of other processes, I
don’t know that I’d see a performance problem.

OTOH, the fact that you’re using most of your swap space is probably not a
good thing. OTOOH, as Jesse pointed out, you’re running X, Gnome, and
trying to run RT on a machine with 128 MB. On my machine, X by itself
usually has about 25MB resident, and various gnome bits take up another
10-20MB. That’d leave you with a mere 65 MB or so for RT’s needs. An
apache+mod_perl process can easily take up 10-15MB a pop, so if you have 4
processes running, that’d leave 5MB for MySQL, which won’t get your very
good performance.

Try not running X and upgrading to something reasonable, like 512MB.
Then do some tuning so that you allocate a decent chunk of memory for
MySQL. Out of the box, it isn’t tuned at all. Then tune Apache so that
it never spawns so many mod_perl children that you go to swap.


House Absolute Consulting


Say one has many many users and multiple groups, Perhaps over 100
users and 5-10 groups. IS there a quick and easy way to change all
of the INDIVIDUAL user rights to the same settings? SAy I wanted all
to have the “modify self” and the "Show Ticket"right.

Grant them to Everyone?

Otherwise, write some perl code.


Does RT3 support a command line interface like RT2 had? If so, it should be
pretty simple to whip up a cli script to get this done…

-drew------ Original Message -----
From: “seph”
To: “Robert Gorman”
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 11:46 PM
Subject: [rt-users] Re: Couple of questions

Say one has many many users and multiple groups, Perhaps over 100
users and 5-10 groups. IS there a quick and easy way to change all
of the INDIVIDUAL user rights to the same settings? SAy I wanted all
to have the “modify self” and the "Show Ticket"right.

Grant them to Everyone?

Otherwise, write some perl code.


rt-users mailing list

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

apache+mod_perl process can easily take up 10-15MB a pop

I’m running two instances of RT3 (and therefore apache), and the apache
processes start at only 10-15MB but grow over time to about 125-150MB.

Solution was simple - cron job to restart apache daily, keeps the size


BJ Blanchard wrote:

apache+mod_perl process can easily take up 10-15MB a pop

I’m running two instances of RT3 (and therefore apache), and the apache
processes start at only 10-15MB but grow over time to about 125-150MB.

Solution was simple - cron job to restart apache daily, keeps the size
What about MaxRequestsPerChild Apache config option?
Also turn off KeepAlive. This also slowdown for RT if understand docs
right about this option.

yeah. I was wondering if there was a way to grant prvelages to everyone
without bringing up each user and selecting the rights. Like something where
I can say, in a few clicks, give all users, rights xxxxx.----- Original Message -----
From: “seph”
To: “Robert Gorman”
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: Couple of questions

Say one has many many users and multiple groups, Perhaps over 100
users and 5-10 groups. IS there a quick and easy way to change all
of the INDIVIDUAL user rights to the same settings? SAy I wanted all
to have the “modify self” and the "Show Ticket"right.

Grant them to Everyone?

Otherwise, write some perl code.


-----Original Message-----
From: seph []

Say one has many many users and multiple groups, Perhaps over 100
users and 5-10 groups. IS there a quick and easy way to
change all of
the INDIVIDUAL user rights to the same settings? SAy I
wanted all to
have the “modify self” and the "Show Ticket"right.

Grant them to Everyone?

Or, if you don’t want Everyone, you might want to grant them to the
Privileged group.

yeah. I was wondering if there was a way to grant prvelages
to everyone without bringing up each user and selecting the
rights. Like something where I can say, in a few clicks, give
all users, rights xxxxx.

You want to grant the rights to the Group “Everyone”. As I said in my
earlier note, there is also a global group “Privileged” that can be used
to grant rights to the set of privileged users – this might be closer
to what you want than “Everyone”.

Mem: 125372K av, 121600K used, 3748K free, 0k shrd, 1476K buff
Swap: 257000K av, 208860K used, 48140K free 280922K cached

That’s 97% of your real memory used up, and a lot of swap. Since rt3 is the
only thing running on the machine, that’s probably the culprit.

I had similar problems here until I set MaxRequestsPerChild from unlimited (0)
to 2500. (and then stopped/started Apache) Your machine may benefit from a
similar setting, depending on activity. I haven’t yet upgraded to 3.0.7 to
see if that fixes it.

free results in the following:
Total Used Free Shared Buffers Cached
Mem 125372 120604 4768 0 1180 18156
-/+ buffers/cache 101268 24104
Swap 257000 96344 160656

Rebooting seems to have brought back a lot of the swap space. I hadn’t
noticed it was gone. In reference to the other messages about needing
more memory, if memory was the problem wouldn’t it approach 0 (zero)??
Meaning, if memory shortage caused a decrease in performance shouldn’t I
see it drop to a significantly low value, say <1k??

I rebooted in “safe” mode and manually started apache, and I still had
the same amounts of free memory (under Top). Also, there’s only 3
people using this and the system is rebooted daily, would the max
requests still be an issue with such low system usage?

So, I’m still not sure what I should do next. I understand the idea of
getting more free RAM, however I’d hate to throw money at more memory
and find that I’m slow with 125Meg free memory space. What do you


So, I’m still not sure what I should do next. I understand the idea of
getting more free RAM, however I’d hate to throw money at more memory
and find that I’m slow with 125Meg free memory space. What do you

If this machine is only used for RT, and there are only 3 people using it,
setting the max servers to something like 5 should be reasonable. You can
also play with the MaxRequestsPerChild value until you get a comfortable
balance between performance and memory usage from leakage (mine, on a 1GB
system doing entirely too much else, is 500).

If you’re using mysql as your database, mysql 4 (I’m not sure about 3) is
faster if you use innodb tables, and you can tune it for how much system
resources it can gobble up.

Hope that helps. Before tuning, my system was constantly running out of
memory and RT was painfully slow. It now can keep 15-30MB free depending
on other things, and RT is decently responsive.

If this machine is only used for RT, and there are only 3 people using it,
setting the max servers to something like 5 should be reasonable. You can
also play with the MaxRequestsPerChild value until you get a comfortable
balance between performance and memory usage from leakage (mine, on a 1GB
system doing entirely too much else, is 500).
I should have provided more information. Currently 3 are beta testing,
but ultimately 14 people will be logged in (creating tickets), with a
dozen or so MORE users who may just view tickets. So should I tweak
maxservers to around 50?

If you’re using mysql as your database, mysql 4 (I’m not sure about 3) is
faster if you use innodb tables, and you can tune it for how much system
resources it can gobble up.
At this risk of asking the obvious, is there a good source you know of
for finding how to fine tune MySQL 4? Googling provides too vast of an
array (some are too basic, some too vague).

Hope that helps. Before tuning, my system was constantly running out of
memory and RT was painfully slow. It now can keep 15-30MB free depending
on other things, and RT is decently responsive.
It does help greatly. I really appreciate the responses I’ve gotten
from the list. Unfortunately I have little experience tweaking, since
previous experiences with *nix have been on Ultra10s with ample
resources for everything I threw at it (apache, NIS+ slave, MySQL, &
some others). I bought a Linux book, but it doesn’t address fine tuning
at all. Googling only had some vague references to with
ambiguous information, such as use Top. Garbage in, garbage out, so I’m
sure I’m to blame for not finding better information. So I thank
everyone on here for their indulgences/patience.


So, I’m still not sure what I should do next. I understand
the idea of getting more free RAM, however I’d hate to throw
money at more memory and find that I’m slow with 125Meg free
memory space. What do you think?

Take the advice and spend $40 on (at least) another 256M. 128 is not
enough to run all the things you want to run and talk about performance
simultaneously. That $40 won’t necessarily get you automatic
performance (it is likely to get you some) but it’s pretty certain
that you’re not going to get good performance from 128. If it isn’t
worth $40, then you probably can get some improvement by careful
tuning, even with 128.

If this machine is only used for RT, and there are only 3 people using it,
setting the max servers to something like 5 should be reasonable. You can
also play with the MaxRequestsPerChild value until you get a comfortable
balance between performance and memory usage from leakage (mine, on a 1GB
system doing entirely too much else, is 500).
I should have provided more information. Currently 3 are beta testing,
but ultimately 14 people will be logged in (creating tickets), with a
dozen or so MORE users who may just view tickets. So should I tweak
maxservers to around 50?

users + viewers + only a few spare servers for if something goes wonky.

You don’t have enough ram to support 30 simultaneous users in the box,
however. I think apache takes at leats 8 megs for each process …

If you’re using mysql as your database, mysql 4 (I’m not sure about 3) is
faster if you use innodb tables, and you can tune it for how much system
resources it can gobble up.
At this risk of asking the obvious, is there a good source you know of
for finding how to fine tune MySQL 4? Googling provides too vast of an
array (some are too basic, some too vague).

Try looking in Mysql 4 for my-$name.cnf, where $name is huge, large,
medium and small, for a start. Read those, and you start getting a basic

It does help greatly. I really appreciate the responses I’ve gotten
from the list. Unfortunately I have little experience tweaking, since
previous experiences with *nix have been on Ultra10s with ample
resources for everything I threw at it (apache, NIS+ slave, MySQL, &
some others). I bought a Linux book, but it doesn’t address fine tuning
at all. Googling only had some vague references to with
ambiguous information, such as use Top. Garbage in, garbage out, so I’m
sure I’m to blame for not finding better information. So I thank
everyone on here for their indulgences/patience.

performance tuning is an art, not necessarily a science, and involves a
lot of knob twiddling, testing, twiddling and testing, twiddling and
testing …

And then your requirements change. :frowning:

Sorry to chime in late here, but I found this on Google:

     You are right, it can be a real *trip* feeding the right

parameters into a search engine to get what “you want”.

     I used:   linux kernel tuning

blush yes, I guess that’s a hard one to have figured on using in
Google (grammer police are probably wincing). Thanks! That site has a
ton of good info and most importantly links to other good sites to

I will take everyone’s advice and buy more memory. It’s cheap enough
that I’ll probably figure out how much this can handle ( or ) and max it. This may be a
dumb question, but since swap is usually larger than memory should I try
to tweak my file partitions to adjust the swap to a larger slice? I’ve
never tried, but I know re-adjusting file partitions can get tricky and
is inherently dangerous. I’ll probably not do it, but thought I’d ask.


John Schubert wrote:> On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 10:33, Dan L. Ostrom courageously wrote:

Sorry to chime in late here, but I found this on Google:

    You are right, it can be a real *trip* feeding the right

parameters into a search engine to get what “you want”.

    I used:   linux kernel tuning

blush yes, I guess that’s a hard one to have figured on using in
Google (grammer police are probably wincing). Thanks! That site has a
ton of good info and most importantly links to other good sites to

I will take everyone’s advice and buy more memory. It’s cheap enough
that I’ll probably figure out how much this can handle ( or ) and max it. This may be a
dumb question, but since swap is usually larger than memory should I try
to tweak my file partitions to adjust the swap to a larger slice? I’ve
never tried, but I know re-adjusting file partitions can get tricky and
is inherently dangerous. I’ll probably not do it, but thought I’d ask.


Swap only helps if you have rare touchable tasks which also has huge
memory usage.

Apache - creates child process to serve new requests when no free childs
available. Mysql do such things also.

Each request to RT touch one httpd process and hold this process for
full request time and also do several sequent requests to mysql from 1
up to “infinity”.

So you have to try to limit spawning of new processes and fit in your
max avail memory.

  1. You can limit Mason memory cache.

  2. Turn of keep alive in Apache.

  3. Max request per child in Apache(to prevent apache growning due memory

  4. Update Params::Validate to latest(leaked memory)

  5. Use tiny.conf from mysql example confs, but try to enable query cache.

     Best regards. Ruslan.

So, I’m still not sure what I should do next. I understand the idea of
getting more free RAM, however I’d hate to throw money at more memory
and find that I’m slow with 125Meg free memory space. What do you

Well, how is MySQL currently configured? It can be configured to use less
memory, in which case it doesn’t just grab more, it runs slow. So if you
had more memory you could let it use more, and it might run faster. The
slowness you’re seeing is most likely the database, since for most
database-backed web apps, it’s the database that’s the bottleneck.

Also, you mentioned eventually having 14 users. If you had only one
Apache process per user, that’d probably end up needing at least 140+ MB.

Also, you mentioned you’re running X & gnome on that box. On many systems
X is started with a lower (higher?) priority, so if you’re ever doing
stuff in X while people try to use RT (or you’re trying to use RT with a
browser on that box) then X may get more cycles than mysql or apache.

RT is a server app, so stick it on a server box and stop running a GUI on
it! Running GUIs along with server apps is not good for performance.


House Absolute Consulting
