Couldnot load ticekt

Prior to the implementation of the new RT system I was able to insert a link (the ID of the RT ticket) and then it ask for my user name and password (the first time) then open the RT ticket. But in my new RT 4.4.4 version it’s not working. The error is "Could not load ticket ([1414053]) " Please find attached the error screenshot .


Try removing the brackets around the ticket number


It works by removing the brackets. Is it related to upgrade changes? Because in 4.0 I was able to get it with the above provide url(with Bracket ) but in newer version we need to remove both the brackets.

Im guessing the brackets would be a local modification. OOTB it would be just the id number

Ohh Ok…That makes sense. Can you please get me some idea that where(the path) it had be modified before the upgrade. So that as the part of upgrade it may be overwritten. SO that I can again modify it in the newer version so that the user can use the same link (that is with braces).

I believe the ‘Initial’ callback in Ticket/Display.html would be the best place to handle altering the id arg.

I found the initial callback in my 4.0 version backup. Please find attached screenshot for the reference. Could you please guide me where can I find the brackets they have given so that the URL was working with the brackets earlier?

Whats in the “Initial” callback?

Check your local/html/Callbacks/ directory

As per Craig’s suggestion in initial callback the args may be altered. How can I find that where the args are altered?

Gary is asking for the content of your old modification because it is likely that you can copy the code, if you have your old modifications then there should be some custom code on the ticket display page. In your 4.0 version backup do you have any files in local/html/Callbacks/Ticket/?

I couldnot find any Ticket folder in the path local/html/Callbacks/ in my older version. I could find only MyCallbacks inside that and no initial callback is there

Purely as an aside, what is the purpose of the brackets?

Actually the user was using this kind of configuration before the upgrade, so they are using the same URL in some tool.

Do you have a Ticket folder under MyCallbacks? does this contain a folder called Display.html and does this contain a file called “Initial”

MyCallbacks doesnot contain any folder like Display.html. It only contains “Elements” , "NoAuth " folder.

Have you got some sort of rewrite rule on the web server, then?

I am checking. will update you