Copy of first email with


RT 4.0.2.

I’m fairly new to RT, this being my first install.

Can someone explain if it is possible for RT to forward, on ticket
creation, the initial email, complete with the ticket number in the
subject, to a given email address? This would make it much easier for
our staff to pick up an issue by email, and not have to fuss around
adding the ticket number to the subject, or replying from the web interface.

Or perhaps there is a better way of doing this? The goal is to make it
easier for our staff to quickly follow up an issue with a client, having
the right ticket number in the subject, and RT in copy.

I am thinking to use Scrips for this, but I am not sure the best way to
go about it.

Thanks in advance,


Alex Dyas, Manager - Systems Administration
Tel: +41 22 348 30 15 | |

Expert en Services, Formation et Recrutement BI et Applications Web (CMS, CRM)
Partenaires certifies de Pentaho (BI), Jedox (Palo), Acquia (Drupal), SugarCRM et Infobright

Hello Alex,

We have all the people who deal with a queue as admin watchers on their
queues, and use the builtin scrip to sent new ticket creation notification
to the admincc watchers. They can then reply to that ticket creation email
and RT will send it out to the ticket requester(s), as it sees these as a
reply. It is then not necessary to manually add anything to the subject,
as RT has already added it to the subject line.

KevinOn Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Alex Dyas wrote:


RT 4.0.2.

I’m fairly new to RT, this being my first install.

Can someone explain if it is possible for RT to forward, on ticket
creation, the initial email, complete with the ticket number in the
subject, to a given email address? This would make it much easier for our
staff to pick up an issue by email, and not have to fuss around adding the
ticket number to the subject, or replying from the web interface.

Or perhaps there is a better way of doing this? The goal is to make it
easier for our staff to quickly follow up an issue with a client, having
the right ticket number in the subject, and RT in copy.

I am thinking to use Scrips for this, but I am not sure the best way to go
about it.

Thanks in advance,


Alex Dyas, Manager - Systems Administration
Tel: +41 22 348 30 15 | |**linalis

Expert en Services, Formation et Recrutement BI et Applications Web (CMS,
Partenaires certifies de Pentaho (BI), Jedox (Palo), Acquia (Drupal),
SugarCRM et Infobright

RT Training Sessions (**services/training.html

  • Barcelona, Spain November 28 & 29, 2011