Converting from gnats to RT3


I want to migrate my GNATS database into RT. I’m just now looking at the
import-gnats script from the cvs module rt-addons. It is old, written for
RT2 and just does not work. I’ve been doing a bit of rewriting, but it
seems the script does not do basic stuff like creating the responsible
users before importing, or convert to Unicode before inserting into
database. Does anyone have an updated script for this task, one that works?

If not, I need a hint: Can I tell RT that my strings are ISO-8859-1 when I
use $Ticket->Import()?


Palle Girgensohn wrote:


I want to migrate my GNATS database into RT. I’m just now looking at the
import-gnats script from the cvs module rt-addons. It is old, written
for RT2 and just does not work. I’ve been doing a bit of rewriting, but
it seems the script does not do basic stuff like creating the
responsible users before importing, or convert to Unicode before
inserting into database. Does anyone have an updated script for this
task, one that works?

If not, I need a hint: Can I tell RT that my strings are ISO-8859-1 when
I use $Ticket->Import()
You can try next trick:

  1. Convert GNATS to rt2 with that script
  2. Convert rt2 to rt3

If you want write GNATS to rt3 import tool then my suggestions are:

  1. rt2-to-rt3 have two parts rt2-to-filedump and filedump-to-rt3 so you
    have to write GNATS-to-rt3_filedump only.
  2. rt2 don’t have utf support so rt2-to-filedump do all crossencoding

I hope this would help.
Good luck. Ruslan.

Thanks, interesting approach. :slight_smile:

About the Unicode conversion, since I use PostgreSQL, all I need to do is
tell Postgresql “set client_encoding = ‘LATIN1’” and I can insert
iso8859-1 characters into a unicode database; they will be converted
on-the-fly. Only, I cannot find a way to tell anything to postgresql
directly :slight_smile:

Palle–On onsdag, november 05, 2003 20.42.54 +0300 “Ruslan U. Zakirov” wrote:

Palle Girgensohn wrote:


I want to migrate my GNATS database into RT. I’m just now looking at the
import-gnats script from the cvs module rt-addons. It is old, written
for RT2 and just does not work. I’ve been doing a bit of rewriting, but
it seems the script does not do basic stuff like creating the
responsible users before importing, or convert to Unicode before
inserting into database. Does anyone have an updated script for this
task, one that works?

If not, I need a hint: Can I tell RT that my strings are ISO-8859-1 when
I use $Ticket->Import()
You can try next trick:

  1. Convert GNATS to rt2 with that script
  2. Convert rt2 to rt3

If you want write GNATS to rt3 import tool then my suggestions are:

  1. rt2-to-rt3 have two parts rt2-to-filedump and filedump-to-rt3 so you
    have to write GNATS-to-rt3_filedump only. 2) rt2 don’t have utf support
    so rt2-to-filedump do all crossencoding convertions.

I hope this would help.
Good luck. Ruslan.


rt-users mailing list

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

Thanks, interesting approach. :slight_smile:

About the Unicode conversion, since I use PostgreSQL, all I need to do is
tell Postgresql “set client_encoding = ‘LATIN1’” and I can insert
iso8859-1 characters into a unicode database; they will be converted
on-the-fly. Only, I cannot find a way to tell anything to postgresql
directly :slight_smile:

Be very careful with that approach. If you’ve got unicode dat a in the
database that has a MIME header that says it’s latin1, I expect you’re
going to hurt yourself.


Palle Girgensohn wrote:


I want to migrate my GNATS database into RT. I’m just now looking at the
import-gnats script from the cvs module rt-addons. It is old, written
for RT2 and just does not work. I’ve been doing a bit of rewriting, but
it seems the script does not do basic stuff like creating the
responsible users before importing, or convert to Unicode before
inserting into database. Does anyone have an updated script for this
task, one that works?

If not, I need a hint: Can I tell RT that my strings are ISO-8859-1 when
I use $Ticket->Import()
You can try next trick:

  1. Convert GNATS to rt2 with that script
  2. Convert rt2 to rt3

If you want write GNATS to rt3 import tool then my suggestions are:

  1. rt2-to-rt3 have two parts rt2-to-filedump and filedump-to-rt3 so you
    have to write GNATS-to-rt3_filedump only. 2) rt2 don’t have utf support
    so rt2-to-filedump do all crossencoding convertions.

I hope this would help.
Good luck. Ruslan.


rt-users mailing list

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

rt-users mailing list

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

Request Tracker... So much more than a help desk — Best Practical Solutions – Trouble Ticketing. Free.

Hi all,

I’ve just started playing with RT - using the Windows port at the moment
because I don’t have a linux box handy - forgive me! Version 3.0.4.

My problem is that I seem to have broken my installation. If I go to
the appropriate web address, I get the login screen - login, and get a
HTTP 500 error. From then on in I don’t even get a login screen, only
the error (unless I restart RT).

http-error.log has the following:

[Wed Nov 05 14:26:37 2003] [error] [client] Can’t locate
RT/ in @INC (@INC contains:
C:/Progra~1/OurInternet/Reques~1/rt/local/lib . C:\Program
Files\OurInternet\Request Tracker/ C:\Program Files\OurInternet\Request
Tracker/lib/perl C:/Progra~1/OURINT~1/Common/…/reques~1/rt/local/lib
C:/Progra~1/OURINT~1/Common/…/reques~1/rt/lib) at
line 52. Stack:
t:52], [C:\Progra~1\OURINT~1\reques~1\rt\html\Elements\Callback:58],
, referer:

Now I can’t find a anywhere… What is it meant to
be doing?

I’ve read through what there is of the documentation, and tried to
search through the mailing list to now avail. I’m starting to think
either I’m missing something, or there’s a bug in the port (always

Any ideas?


Danny Smith - Systems Engineer

Sirocco Broadband
NEXTEP Networked Channel Partner


Thanks, interesting approach. :slight_smile:

About the Unicode conversion, since I use PostgreSQL, all I need to do
is tell Postgresql “set client_encoding = ‘LATIN1’” and I can insert
iso8859-1 characters into a unicode database; they will be converted
on-the-fly. Only, I cannot find a way to tell anything to postgresql
directly :slight_smile:

Be very careful with that approach. If you’ve got unicode dat a in the
database that has a MIME header that says it’s latin1, I expect you’re
going to hurt yourself.

Aha. Well, I get the following error in the postgresql log:

query: INSERT INTO Tickets (Creator, Due, Told, Status, EffectiveId,
LastUpdatedBy, Resolved, Type, TimeWorked, LastUpdated, Subject, Queue,
FinalPriority, id, Owner, InitialPriority, Created, Priority) VALUES (‘1’,
NULL, NULL, ‘resolved’, 1489, ‘1’, NULL, ‘ticket’, ‘0’, NULL, ‘Går ej att
godkänna en.’, ‘3’, NULL, 1489, ‘10’, NULL, NULL, NULL)

ERROR: Invalid UNICODE character sequence found (0xe57220)

So, this subject has to be converted to unicode, right?

Perhaps the best approach is to convert via RT2? It just sounds a bit odd…


I’ve just started playing with RT - using the Windows port at the moment
because I don’t have a linux box handy - forgive me! Version 3.0.4.

Try upgrading to 3.0.6 and it should’ve got that fixed.


Thanks Autrijus, will give that a go.

Good work on the windows port too (I assume it was your work!). Always
nice to have this sort of thing available on different platforms…



-----Original Message-----
From: Autrijus Tang []
Sent: Thursday, 6 November 2003 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users]

I’ve just started playing with RT - using the Windows port at the
moment because I don’t have a linux box handy - forgive me!

Try upgrading to 3.0.6 and it should’ve got that fixed.
