Constraints.mysql ... in use by anyone?

Is there a reason that the schema creation scripts
do not spec constraints?

Most of the db’s seem to have the foreign key constraint
ability, and those that do not, eg sqlite, take it as a no-op,
at least in my understanding.

Would it not be better to move forward with having constraints
defined and be able to drop them for those who don’t/can’t have them?

There is a file, constraints.mysql, however it is not valid,
ie there are columns that are not defined in all the schemas,
eg EffectiveTicket is defined in schema.Sybase and is used
in constraints.mysql, but is not defined in any of the other

If schema.Sybase is old, then it should be dropped or updated.
Is there someone that can “push a button” and generate a
new constraints file?



Is there a reason that the schema creation scripts
do not spec constraints?

Mostly because RT does a whole much of app-level referential integrity, both for things that can be represented in SQL and things which can’t (There are many items in RT which can refer to any other RT table/record type).

I’d love to get a contribution of updated referential constraints for
any database anyone would care to provide them for.

Most of the db’s seem to have the foreign key constraint
ability, and those that do not, eg sqlite, take it as a no-op,
at least in my understanding.

Would it not be better to move forward with having constraints
defined and be able to drop them for those who don’t/can’t have them?

There is a file, constraints.mysql, however it is not valid,
ie there are columns that are not defined in all the schemas,
eg EffectiveTicket is defined in schema.Sybase and is used
in constraints.mysql, but is not defined in any of the other

Yes. It’s out of date.

If schema.Sybase is old, then it should be dropped or updated.

It certainly should be updated. (The folks who contributed the sybase
port never finished the work).

Is there someone that can “push a button” and generate a
new constraints file?

Sadly no, it’s a hand-generated affair.


I’d love to get a contribution of updated referential constraints for
any database anyone would care to provide them for.

I started doing them for postgres after I migrated to 3.x from 2.x,
but couldn’t do it because of what you wrote in your original message.