
Any ideas? I’m been running RT for months without error but this one
starting popping up today.

System error
error: Unsupported conversion: Invalid argument at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Encode/compat/ line 115.

context: …

} map {

Encode::Alias->find_alias($) || lc($)

} ($[1], $[2]);


my $result = ($from eq $to) ? $_[0] : (

$decoder{$from, $to} ||= Text::Iconv->new( $from, $to )



return $result;

code stack:

Hi nick!On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Nick Kishfy wrote:

Any ideas? I’m been running RT for months without error but this one
starting popping up today.

I have the exact same problem you do. If you look at the 

mailing list archive, subjects like:

* occasional "Unsupported conversion" error in autohandler
* autohandler:40 error

will describe the same problem as well.

As far as I understand there are issues with perl-5.6.x (this is 

the version stocked with redhat-7.3) and utf-8, and since RT uses utf-8
internally we’re stucked.

Either we upgrade perl (which I hope it solve the problem) or we 

live with the error which until now doesn’t seem to damage anything
(but probably do)…

I couldn't see any report saying the problem is *indeed* solved by 

upgrading perl… Can anyone of you who have experienced this, say
something please?


Paulo Matos

|Sys & Net Admin | Servi�o de Inform�tica |
|Faculdade de Ci�ncias e Tecnologia | Tel: +351-21-2948596 |
|Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Fax: +351-21-2948548 |
|P-2829-516 Caparica | e-Mail: |

As far as I understand there are issues with perl-5.6.x (this is
the version stocked with redhat-7.3) and utf-8, and since RT uses utf-8
internally we’re stucked.

Either we upgrade perl (which I hope it solve the problem) or we
live with the error which until now doesn’t seem to damage anything
(but probably do)…

I couldn’t see any report saying the problem is indeed solved by
upgrading perl… Can anyone of you who have experienced this, say
something please?

Likewise, if anyone does a perl upgrade on RH 7.3 without clobbering
other mod_perl stuff, please post a step-by-step guide. I think in
principle it should be possible to compile a current perl from source
in /usr/local and run RT using it with fastcgi while keeping a stock
apache and mod_perl but I haven’t tackled it yet myself.

Les Mikesell