Changing config values


I’m looking through the existing config of an RT installation and the has the following values:

Set($RT::rtname , “AlinkUK”);
Set($RT::Organization , “”);

If I change these values to some new values, namely:

Set($RT::rtname , “TroubleTicket”);
Set($RT::Organization , “”);

Will this completely break things if I dont change anything in the DB

The reasons for this are as follows:

rtname- I need something generically whitelabelled so I can fiddle
around with getting multiple complany brand’s into the same RT system
while maintaining a sense of brand identity (anybody have a better idea

organization- the domain is clearly broken.

Any suggestion appreciated


George Barnett, Scsa
Reality Engineer

gsm: +44 778 884 7205

The best approach: order a large bag o’ magnets – in fact, order several:
they’re fun for the whole family… Gather the youg’uns and the missus
around and watch the media errors scroll by. Bring food. Make a night of
it. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and city
zoning ordinances. – Bill Paul

rtname- I need something generically whitelabelled so I can fiddle
around with getting multiple complany brand’s into the same RT system
while maintaining a sense of brand identity (anybody have a better idea

If you change rtname, RT will no longer recognize the subject line as
corresponding to a particular ticket. Any new correspondance will create new
tickets instead of plugging into existing ones. We did this in our
organization, but it was early on in our use of RT and we were able to
manually merge a few tickets until all the old ones were resolved. New
tickets will work fine.


Timothy Wilson
Technology Integration Specialist
Hopkins ISD #270, Hopkins, MN, USA
ph: 952.988.4103 fax: 952.988.4311 AIM: tis270