Change "Stalled" to "Cust-Pending"

Yes, I know its very Cisco-ish of me, but I’d like to know if I can
change the “stalled” tag to “Cust-Pending” without major changes.

Anyone know if this is possible?

Daryl G. Jurbala Consulting
Tel: +1 215 825 8401
Fax: +1 508 526 8500

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Daryl G. Jurbala wrote:

Yes, I know its very Cisco-ish of me, but I’d like to know if I can
change the “stalled” tag to “Cust-Pending” without major changes.

Anyone know if this is possible?

it is VERY difficult to change the status text. The text is hard coded
in every web page and in the perl library. Same problem with adding
new status states.

OK…then we’ll just skip that one :wink:

Thanks for the info and the fast reply.


Anyone know if this is possible?

it is VERY difficult to change the status text. The text is hard coded
in every web page and in the perl library. Same problem with adding
new status states.

May be there is a way to do it by ‘translation’?

Could there be a set of Translation-Strings for
the same language :slight_smile: Like ‘C’ versus ‘us_US’
or like the difference between britisch/american
or german vs. austrian german ?

And THERE you could put your ‘different name’?


Daryl G. Jurbala wrote:

Yes, I know its very Cisco-ish of me, but I’d like to know if I can
change the “stalled” tag to “Cust-Pending” without major changes.

Anyone know if this is possible?

it is VERY difficult to change the status text. The text is hard coded
in every web page and in the perl library. Same problem with adding
new status states.

While we don’t recommend changing the status system, that’s just not true.
A simple grep will show you that asside from the localization framework, the string
“stalled” shows up four places in all of RT’s source code. The results
of that grep should show you where you would want to alter things to add
or change a status.

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While we don’t recommend changing the status system, that’s just not true.
A simple grep will show you that asside from the localization framework, the string
“stalled” shows up four places in all of RT’s source code. The results
of that grep should show you where you would want to alter things to add
or change a status.

Here’s the perl to do it:

perl -pi -e ‘s/stalled/AwaitingCustomer/’ *

That will change EVERY instance of “stalled” to “AwaitingCustomer” in
every file in a given directory.

Russ Johnson
Dimension 7/Stargate Online

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Jesse Vincent wrote:

While we don’t recommend changing the status system, that’s just not true.
A simple grep will show you that asside from the localization framework, the string
“stalled” shows up four places in all of RT’s source code. The results
of that grep should show you where you would want to alter things to add
or change a status.

stalled happens to be an easier case. If he wanted to change “open” to
“In-Progress” he would have a harder time. At least that’s what I have
seen from my hacking around.

While we don’t recommend changing the status system, that’s just not true.
A simple grep will show you that asside from the localization framework, the string
“stalled” shows up four places in all of RT’s source code. The results
of that grep should show you where you would want to alter things to add
or change a status.

Here’s the perl to do it:

perl -pi -e ‘s/stalled/AwaitingCustomer/’ *

That will change EVERY instance of “stalled” to “AwaitingCustomer” in
every file in a given directory.

RT sometimes useses the word “installed” in various places. Be careful

Russ Johnson
Dimension 7/Stargate Online

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“I am bigger than anything that can happen to me. All these things, sorrow, misfortune, and suffering, are outside my door. I am in the house, and I have the key.” - Charles Fletcher Lummis

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perl -pi -e ‘s/stalled/AwaitingCustomer/’ *

That will change EVERY instance of “stalled” to “AwaitingCustomer” in
every file in a given directory.

RT sometimes useses the word “installed” in various places. Be careful

Well, yeah, I’d hope that anyone that uses that would do so on a copy,
or in some way keep a backup of the original. :slight_smile:

Russ Johnson
Dimension 7/Stargate Online

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“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right.” - Mohandas K. Ghandi