Change Simple search behavour to include all tickets content by default as well as closed tickets

I realise this will be sloooowww but i did it before with 3.6 and want to
do it again

Google is being very unkind to me today and the archives are not helping

I think my previous fix was ugly but I don’t have access to the info - and
the new search tool will change whats required too

The wiki makes mention of various ways to include resolved tickets but is
silent on the content search

So to summarise I want the default behaviour to do

Any content (fulltext) of any ticket of any status



I realise this will be sloooowww but i did it before with 3.6 and want to
do it again

Google is being very unkind to me today and the archives are not helping

I think my previous fix was ugly but I don’t have access to the info - and
the new search tool will change whats required too

The wiki makes mention of various ways to include resolved tickets but is
silent on the content search

So to summarise I want the default behaviour to do

Any content (fulltext) of any ticket of any status

you have to modify the method “QueryToSQL” in lib/RT/Search/
for this.

If you try making the search tool always search Content, you will run
into these problems:

Carbon60: Cloud Consulting - Services and Solutions (combines
incorrectly with email addresses) (multiple Content
conditions always use AND instead of OR)