Change rt logo

How do i change the log on RT-3.0.10 to our logo?

How do i change the log on RT-3.0.10 to our logo?

Copy the RT file share/html/Elements/Header
into local/html/Elements/Header

Edit that new file changing
<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/bplogo.gif" alt=“” width=“230” height=“50”>
to your logo.


How do i change the log on RT-3.0.10 to our logo?

You could replace rt.jpg and favicon.png (in
/opt/rt3/share/html/NoAuth/images) with your own ones.

BTW, I’m wondering why the logo is a JPEG file - PNG seems much more
appropriate to me. Are there specific reasons for using JPEG?


Sebastian Flothow

Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.

You could replace rt.jpg and favicon.png (in
/opt/rt3/share/html/NoAuth/images) with your own ones.

BTW, I’m wondering why the logo is a JPEG file - PNG seems much more
appropriate to me. Are there specific reasons for using JPEG?

Historical reasons. (not good ones)