CF : Comboxbox dynamic content

Hi all,
I’m (very, very) new RT user and don’t find the answer to solve my
problem. I hope anyone can help me.

2 Custom Fields - combobox

The first combobox contains 2 values
The values displayed on the second combobox depend of the selected
value on the first combobox.

Is this possible ?
If yes, how can I do that ?

I hope you anderstand what I mean, because my english is not very good


Le contenu de ce courriel est uniquement rᅵservᅵ ᅵ la personne ou
l’organisme ï¿œ qui il est destinï¿œ. Si vous n’ï¿œtes pas le destinataire
prï¿œvu, veuillez nous en informer au plus vite et dï¿œtruire le prï¿œsent
courriel. Dans ce cas, il ne vous est pas permis de copier ce courriel,
de le distribuer ou de l’utiliser de quelque maniï¿œre que ce soit.

The content of this e-mail is intended only and solely for the use
of the named recipient or organisation. If you are not the named
recipient, please inform us immediately and delete the present e-mail.
In this case, you are nor allowed to copy, distribute or use this
e-mail in any way.

Hi all,
I’m (very, very) new RT user and don’t find the answer to solve my
problem. I hope anyone can help me.

2 Custom Fields - combobox

The first combobox contains 2 values
The values displayed on the second combobox depend of the selected
value on the first combobox.

Is this possible ?

Not really (unless you modify a little bit RT with a bit of
javascript) but you can use a “select” type customfield and use the
category field.


CF: Test
Type: Select One value

SortOrder ; Name ; Description ; Category
0 ; App1 ; ; Customer1
0 ; App2 ; ; Customer1
0 ; App1 ; ; Customer2
0 ; App2 ; ; Customer2
0 ; App3 ; ; Customer2

This way you will get a two level customfield, first select the customer
(category), then the Name (application).