Cc broken in 3.0.6

$MemberOf => undef
$QuoteTransaction => undef
$Queue => 35
Known configuration, I believe. Check out for this:

Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1);

I have that enabled. It properly parses Cc lines out of incoming emails, it
just doesnt send to Cc addresses when someone replies to the ticket - only the
requestors get subsequent replies.

Craig Schenk wrote:

$MemberOf => undef
$QuoteTransaction => undef
$Queue => 35

Known configuration, I believe. Check out for this:

Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1);

I have that enabled. It properly parses Cc lines out of incoming emails, it
just doesnt send to Cc addresses when someone replies to the ticket - only the
requestors get subsequent replies.
I have to repeat that all notifications in RT are managable via
Scrips. I don’t remember default scripset, but most likely that there
is no scrips for sending replies to Cc’ers. You should create them.
IF you look in Configuration->Global->Scrips or in
Configuration->Queues->Your Queue->Scrips then you’ll find there default
set of scrips with nice descriptions.

May be I’ve missed something do you have Cc’ers for those Tickets in
WebUI on Ticket’s people page?

	Good luck. Ruslan.

IF you look in Configuration->Global->Scrips or in
Configuration->Queues->Your Queue->Scrips then you’ll find there default
set of scrips with nice descriptions.

These are the global scrips set right now. This RT server is unmodified from a
production server other than to add some users and modify the
file. I have not changed any scrips. These are enabled globally:

On Correspond Open Tickets with template Blank
On Create Autoreply To Requestors with template Autoreply
On Create Notify AdminCcs with template Transaction
On Correspond Notify AdminCcs with template Admin Correspondence
On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs with template Correspondence
On Correspond Notify Other Recipients with template Correspondence
On Comment Notify AdminCcs as Comment with template Admin Comment
On Comment Notify Other Recipients as Comment with template Correspondence
On Resolve Notify Requestors with template Resolved

There is a scrip globally enabled that says it will notify requestors and Ccs,
at least based on the way I read “On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs with
template Correspondence”… but only requestors get the email when there is a
response to a ticket.

May be I’ve missed something do you have Cc’ers for those Tickets in
WebUI on Ticket’s people page?

Yes. It stores and displays the Cc field right, but does not send email when a
ticket is replied to.

And just in case I configured something wrong, this is whats in my file:

Set($rtname , “”);
Set($Organization , “”);
Set($OwnerEmail , ‘’);
Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1);
Set($RTAddressRegexp , ‘^$’);
Set($WebPath , “/rt”);
Set($WebBaseURL , “”);
Set($WebURL , “”);
Set($WebImagesURL , “”);
Set($LogoURL , $WebImagesURL . “rt.jpg”);
Set($TrustHTMLAttachments , undef);
Set($CorrespondAddress , ‘’);
Set($CommentAddress , ‘’);

Does the log file of rt show that it is sending the mail to the cc or des ist show that he didn’t find any recipient?

SamuelFrom: Craig Schenk []
Sent: Tuesday,16 December,2003 17:05
To: Ruslan U. Zakirov
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RE: Cc broken in 3.0.6

IF you look in Configuration->Global->Scrips or in
Configuration->Queues->Your Queue->Scrips then you’ll find there
set of scrips with nice descriptions.

These are the global scrips set right now. This RT server is unmodified from a production server other than to add some users and modify the file. I have not changed any scrips. These are enabled globally:

On Correspond Open Tickets with template Blank On Create Autoreply To Requestors with template Autoreply On Create Notify AdminCcs with template Transaction On Correspond Notify AdminCcs with template Admin Correspondence On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs with template Correspondence On Correspond Notify Other Recipients with template Correspondence On Comment Notify AdminCcs as Comment with template Admin Comment On Comment Notify Other Recipients as Comment with template Correspondence On Resolve Notify Requestors with template Resolved

There is a scrip globally enabled that says it will notify requestors and Ccs, at least based on the way I read “On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs with template Correspondence”… but only requestors get the email when there is a response to a ticket.

May be I’ve missed something do you have Cc’ers for those Tickets in
WebUI on Ticket’s people page?

Yes. It stores and displays the Cc field right, but does not send email when a ticket is replied to.

And just in case I configured something wrong, this is whats in my file:

Set($rtname , “”);
Set($Organization , “”);
Set($OwnerEmail , ‘’); Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1); Set($RTAddressRegexp , ‘^$’); Set($WebPath , “/rt”); Set($WebBaseURL , “”); Set($WebURL , “”); Set($WebImagesURL , “”);
Set($LogoURL , $WebImagesURL . “rt.jpg”); Set($TrustHTMLAttachments , undef); Set($CorrespondAddress , ‘’); Set($CommentAddress , ‘’); 1;

rt-users mailing list

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

The /opt/rt3/var/log directory contains nothing… no logfile at all. It was
owned by root & group bin, per the default install. I tried making it owned by
the web server & group rt, even making it world writable, and nothing’s
getting written still. Is logging not enabled by default, or am I looking in
the wrong place?On 16-Dec-2003 Senoner Samuel wrote:

Does the log file of rt show that it is sending the mail to the cc or des
ist show that he didn’t find any recipient?


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Schenk []
Sent: Tuesday,16 December,2003 17:05
To: Ruslan U. Zakirov
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RE: Cc broken in 3.0.6

IF you look in Configuration->Global->Scrips or in
Configuration->Queues->Your Queue->Scrips then you’ll find there
set of scrips with nice descriptions.

These are the global scrips set right now. This RT server is unmodified from
a production server other than to add some users and modify the file. I have not changed any scrips. These are enabled

On Correspond Open Tickets with template Blank On Create Autoreply To
Requestors with template Autoreply On Create Notify AdminCcs with template
Transaction On Correspond Notify AdminCcs with template Admin Correspondence
On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs with template Correspondence On
Correspond Notify Other Recipients with template Correspondence On Comment
Notify AdminCcs as Comment with template Admin Comment On Comment Notify
Other Recipients as Comment with template Correspondence On Resolve Notify
Requestors with template Resolved

There is a scrip globally enabled that says it will notify requestors and
Ccs, at least based on the way I read “On Correspond Notify Requestors and
Ccs with template Correspondence”… but only requestors get the email when
there is a response to a ticket.

May be I’ve missed something do you have Cc’ers for those Tickets in
WebUI on Ticket’s people page?

Yes. It stores and displays the Cc field right, but does not send email when
a ticket is replied to.

And just in case I configured something wrong, this is whats in my file:

Set($rtname , “”);
Set($Organization , “”);
Set($OwnerEmail , ‘’);
Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1); Set($RTAddressRegexp ,
‘^$’); Set($WebPath , “/rt”); Set($WebBaseURL ,”); Set($WebURL , “”);
Set($WebImagesURL , “”);
Set($LogoURL , $WebImagesURL . “rt.jpg”); Set($TrustHTMLAttachments ,
undef); Set($CorrespondAddress , ‘’); Set($CommentAddress ,
‘’); 1;

rt-users mailing list

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

Craig Schenk wrote:

The /opt/rt3/var/log directory contains nothing… no logfile at all. It was
owned by root & group bin, per the default install. I tried making it owned by
the web server & group rt, even making it world writable, and nothing’s
getting written still.

Is logging not enabled by default, or am I looking in
the wrong place?
Yes, not enabled to file, but enable through SysLog.
But I think you should try LogToFile(in RT config) with ‘debug’ level.

Yes, not enabled to file, but enable through SysLog.
But I think you should try LogToFile(in RT config) with ‘debug’ level.

Now, mysteriously, it works. I looked in /var/log/messages to see if there was
anything useful. I’d checked it before and it was not showing any mail logs
for the Cc addresses… this time, it was there. I got both test messages I
just sent to the Cc by replying to a ticket.

The only thing I’ve changed since reporting this bug was to change the
permissions on the /opt/rt3/var/log directory to world writable, which should
not affect this. I have no idea why it works now or why it was not working
before, but it is working now.

I’d be glad to try helping to debug if theres any way to do that which you can
think of, otherwise I guess we should just be happy it now works.

But I think you should try LogToFile(in RT config) with ‘debug’ level.

Not as fixed as I thought, it seems!

If I log into RT’s web interface as root and reply to a ticket which has
addresses in the Cc field, it sends an email to the Cc list as well as
requestors. If I log into RT as any user and reply though, only the requestors
get the email.

I tried sending out email from the shell as user nobody (what the httpd runs
as) and it can send email out fine to the same addresses, so I dont think this
is a sendmail problem and probably not an httpd problem.

I enabled LogToFile with debug to see if it gave information different from
what goes in syslog.

This is the output to the RT log that I get if I try replying to a ticket as a
non-root user in the web interface:

[Wed Dec 17 20:00:05 2003] [warning]: Cannot Encode::Guess; fallback to
iso-8859-1 (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/
[Wed Dec 17 20:00:05 2003] [debug]: Converting ‘iso-8859-1’ to ‘utf-8’ for
text/plain - (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/
[Wed Dec 17 20:00:05 2003] [info]: RT::Scrip=HASH(0x934f968): Couldn’t prepare
Open Tickets (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/
[Wed Dec 17 20:00:06 2003] [info]: #6/27 - Scrip 4
[Wed Dec 17 20:00:06 2003] [info]:
No recipients found. Not sending.
[Wed Dec 17 20:00:06 2003] [info]: #6/27 - Scrip 5
[Wed Dec 17 20:00:07 2003] [info]: sent To: Cc: Bcc: (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/
[Wed Dec 17 20:00:07 2003] [info]: #6/27 - Scrip 6
[Wed Dec 17 20:00:07 2003] [info]:
No recipients found. Not sending.

The Cc field as you can see is blank there. The requestors, however, do get
email. Now, when I log in as root and reply to the same ticket, I get:

[Wed Dec 17 20:07:54 2003] [warning]: Cannot Encode::Guess; fallback to
iso-8859-1 (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/
[Wed Dec 17 20:07:54 2003] [debug]: Converting ‘iso-8859-1’ to ‘utf-8’ for
text/plain - (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/
[Wed Dec 17 20:07:54 2003] [info]: RT::Scrip=HASH(0x95edf34): Couldn’t prepare
Open Tickets (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/
[Wed Dec 17 20:07:54 2003] [info]: #6/28 - Scrip 4
[Wed Dec 17 20:07:55 2003] [info]:
No recipients found. Not sending.
[Wed Dec 17 20:07:55 2003] [info]: #6/28 - Scrip 5
[Wed Dec 17 20:07:55 2003] [info]: sent To: Cc: Bcc:
[Wed Dec 17 20:07:56 2003] [info]: #6/28 - Scrip 6
[Wed Dec 17 20:07:56 2003] [info]:
No recipients found. Not sending.

And the email goes out fine to requestors and Ccs.

Any ideas why its ignoring the Cc field as non-root? It does show the Cc list
in the web ticket when not root, but it does not send the email to it, and
from the logs above, it doesnt seem to even be trying.

I’m using rt3 (happily btw!) RH8 w/ mod_perl2, apache 2, etc. I’m well
aware of the warnings surrounding such a combo.

2 main problems seem to be left to address:

  1. Attachment sizes greater then some arbitrary value
  2. The speed search box with redirection to a ticket or search (giving a
    200 OK, and not auto redirecting)

#1 isn’t a high priority atm. However #2 is defiantly a pain, and
effects usage on a daily basis. Has any progress been made or could
someone point me to a patch (or the beginnings of one). If no progress
has been made on it, I would gladly dive into the code should it be
addressable on the RT code end.

Just point me in the right direction.


Garrett Scott

Garrett Scott wrote:

I’m using rt3 (happily btw!) RH8 w/ mod_perl2, apache 2, etc. I’m well
aware of the warnings surrounding such a combo.

2 main problems seem to be left to address:

  1. Attachment sizes greater then some arbitrary value
  2. The speed search box with redirection to a ticket or search (giving a
    200 OK, and not auto redirecting)

#1 isn’t a high priority atm. However #2 is defiantly a pain, and
effects usage on a daily basis. Has any progress been made or could
someone point me to a patch (or the beginnings of one). If no progress
has been made on it, I would gladly dive into the code should it be
addressable on the RT code end.

Just point me in the right direction.

Adding “$r->status(302);” before each “$m->redirect(…);” in index.html was
suggested on this list, and works well. I believe this is just a kludge,
though, as $m->redirect should be handling the status code itself.


Garrett Scott wrote:

I’m using rt3 (happily btw!) RH8 w/ mod_perl2, apache 2, etc. I’m well
aware of the warnings surrounding such a combo.

2 main problems seem to be left to address:

  1. Attachment sizes greater then some arbitrary value

IIRC that’s a bug in redhat’s build.

  1. The speed search box with redirection to a ticket or search (giving a
    200 OK, and not auto redirecting)

Adding “$r->status(302);” before each “$m->redirect(…);” in index.html was
suggested on this list, and works well. I believe this is just a kludge,
though, as $m->redirect should be handling the status code itself.

Once modperl2 is stable, I believe this is something that will be
resolved at the HTML::Mason layer, not the RT layer.


rt-users mailing list

Have you read the FAQ? The RT FAQ Manager lives at

Request Tracker... So much more than a help desk — Best Practical Solutions – Trouble Ticketing. Free.

Craig Schenk wrote:

But I think you should try LogToFile(in RT config) with ‘debug’ level.

I think you haven’t solve your problem. This is good report. I’ll try to
reproduce it today tonight and may be solve.
I was ill for days so don’t have ability to do anything at all.
Good luck. Ruslan.

I think you haven’t solve your problem. This is good report. I’ll try to
reproduce it today tonight and may be solve.
I was ill for days so don’t have ability to do anything at all.
Good luck. Ruslan.

Correct, the problem is still occuring. Any luck with reproducing the error?
The system is running on a pretty standard RedHat/Apache/MySQL setup with a
fresh unmodified install of RT 3.0.6 - no custom scrips or anything else have
been added. The only changes to RT have been to localize the
as described in my earlier mails.

I think you haven’t solve your problem. This is good report. I’ll try to
reproduce it today tonight and may be solve.
I was ill for days so don’t have ability to do anything at all.
Good luck. Ruslan.

Any luck in reproducing/correcting the bug I’m having with the Cc field not
being sent to?