Catch user CF Update

I’m trying to create a scrip which is triggered upon a user CF Update. From what I can see in the database the transaction is recorded but it seems as the Scrip doesn’t trigger.

I’ve set Condition: On Transaction

Adding logging shows that the Scrip does trigger when I create a ticket but not on the Transaction which occurs when I modify the user CF.

Below You can find some custom conditions for scripts, there also is condition on CF change.

Already looped through all of those, non the less these isn’t triggered upon User CF change, the transaction is only caught if it’s through a ticket.

I do this all the time. On Transaction is the wrong condition. See this example below.

# Check for action on custom field, then check custom field value

# Don't continue with the script unless transaction is on a custom field 
my $txn = $self->TransactionObj;
$RT::Logger->debug( "MyScrip - TransactionType: ". $txn->Type );
return 0 unless $txn->Type eq 'CustomField';

# Get custom field name
my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $self->CurrentUser );
$cf->Load( $txn->Field );
my $cfName = $cf->Name;

# Print CustomFieldName to /opt/rt4/var/log/rt.log (if debug turned on in RT_SiteConfig)
$RT::Logger->debug( "MyScrip - CustomFieldName: ". $cfName );

# Test that the custom field for the transaction is the one we are interested in 
return 0 unless $cfName eq 'Insert_Custom_FieldName_here';

# Show the Old and New values for the custom field in debug...
$RT::Logger->debug( "MyScrip - TransactionOldValue: ". $txn->OldValue. ", TransactionNewValue: ". $txn->NewValue );

return 0 unless $txn->OldValue eq 'Insert_Old_Value_here';
return 0 unless $txn->NewValue eq 'Insert_New_Value_here';

$RT::Logger->debug( "MyScrip - All conditions passed - returning 1");

return 1;

Cheers I’ll give it a try!