Can't locate object method TransactionDepth


Just did an upgrade from 3.0.0 to 3.0.6. but now I get the following
when I try to use the web interface:

Can’t locate object method “TransactionDepth” via package "RT::Handle"
at /opt/rt3/share/html/autohandler line 27.

and I see in autohandler:

$RT::Handle->ForceRollback() if $RT::Handle->TransactionDepth;

but Its true… I dont see the TransactionDepth method in I
only see:

sub Connect {
sub BuildDSN {

All the files in /opt/rt3/lib/RT are dated Sep 25 13:31

I remarked out the line in autohandler and things kinda work but I get
lots of server errors at the bottom of pages…

Any ideas?

Chris Ward
Vidyah - Systems Administration
O 310-443-3083
C 818-451-9981


Just did an upgrade from 3.0.0 to 3.0.6. but now I get the following
when I try to use the web interface:

You need to stop and start apache and possibly clear out the mason page