Can't locate object method "content_type" via package "Apache2::RequestRec" at /opt/rt3/bin/ line 108


I have installed rt-3.4.4 on a RHEL 4.1 box, using mod_perl-2.0.2.
‘make testdeps’ succeeds properly. However, when trying to view the
RT web interface, Apache is logging this error:

Can’t locate object method “content_type” via package
"Apache2::RequestRec" at /opt/rt3/bin/ line 108.\n

I have tried reinstalling mod_perl without success. Any suggestions?

Thank you.

  • Jason Parsons

Can’t locate object method “content_type” via package
“Apache2::RequestRec” at /opt/rt3/bin/ line 108.\n

I was apparently missing some part of Bundle::Apache2, even though
‘make testdeps’ was succeeding. For the archives, I was able to fix
the above error with perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Bundle::Apache2’.

  • Jason Parsons