Can't exec @PERL@

I am setting up rt3 on a friends server. Not knowing what he may have set up
to use an old version of perl, I installed perl-5.8.3 in
/usr/local/perl-5.8.3. I am getting the following error when attempting to
launch Just need to know what I need to change to
get it to run

[root@Linbold1 rt-3.2.1]# /usr/local/perl-5.8.3/bin/perl
sbin/ --with-mysql --with-modperl2 --install

Can’t exec @PERL@ at sbin/ line 1.

Raymond Norton

To Infinity and beyond!

–Buzz Lightyear wrote:

I am setting up rt3 on a friends server. Not knowing what he may have set up
to use an old version of perl, I installed perl-5.8.3 in
/usr/local/perl-5.8.3. I am getting the following error when attempting to
launch Just need to know what I need to change to
get it to run
First of all you should run ./configure which will generate
rt-test-dependencies file(without .in ext) and only then you can run
that script.

get it to run
First of all you should run ./configure which will generate
rt-test-dependencies file(without .in ext) and only then you can run
that script.

Too funny! I am trying to do this install from my hospital bed and was so focused on the new perl that install I missed that.

My pain level is fine though:)