BusinessHours and Due configuration


We have RT-3.8.1 with rtir 2.4 and our due configuration in /opt/osirt3/local/plugins/RT-IR/etc/ looks like:

Set($BusinessHours, {
0 => { Name => ‘Sunday’,
Start => undef,
End => undef},

1 => { Name => 'Monday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

2 => { Name => 'Tuesday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

3 => { Name => 'Wednesday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

4 => { Name => 'Thursday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

5 => { Name => 'Friday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

6 => { Name => 'Saturday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '14:00'},

} );

However, RTIR thinks sunday is a working day, because when i reply to an IR, the due time is set improperly.
Any ideas?



Could you please provide a step by step instructions on reproducing
problem? Who creates a ticket, who is requestor, who is replying? It
will easier my investigation.On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Ignacio Vazquez wrote:


We have RT-3.8.1 with rtir 2.4 and our due configuration in
/opt/osirt3/local/plugins/RT-IR/etc/ looks like:

Set($BusinessHours, {
0 => { Name => ‘Sunday’,
Start => undef,
End => undef},

1 => { Name => 'Monday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

2 => { Name => 'Tuesday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

3 => { Name => 'Wednesday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

4 => { Name => 'Thursday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

5 => { Name => 'Friday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '19:00'},

6 => { Name => 'Saturday',
       Start => '09:00',
       End => '14:00'},

} );

However, RTIR thinks sunday is a working day, because when i reply to an IR,
the due time is set improperly.
Any ideas?


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Best regards, Ruslan.