Bug: rt2tort3 deletes root user but doesn't clean up

When doing the initial import into an rt3 database, dumpfile-to-rt3.0
deletes the root user:

        $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM Users where Name='root'");

however this leaves behind associated Group and ACL objects.

rt-oucs=> SELECT * from acl where id=3;
id | principaltype | principalid | rightname | objecttype | objectid | delegatedby | delegatedfrom
3 | Group | 13 | SuperUser | RT::System | 1 | 0 | 0
(1 row)

rt-oucs=> SELECT * from groups where id=13;
id | name | description | domain | type | instance
13 | User 12 | ACL equiv. for user 12 | ACLEquivalence | UserEquiv | 12
(1 row)

rt-oucs=> SELECT name from users where id=12;
(0 rows)

rt-oucs=> SELECT name,description,type from groupmembers inner join groups on (groupmembers.groupid = groups.id) where memberid=12;
name | description | type
User 12 | ACL equiv. for user 12 | UserEquiv
| Pseudogroup for internal use | Everyone
| Pseudogroup for internal use | Privileged
(3 rows)

and maybe other things?

This should probably be done more cleanly in the code.
For now I’ve just deleted the ACE manually; I guess the other bits
should be cleaned up too.

Dominic Hargreaves, Systems Development and Support Team
Computing Services, University of Oxford

signature.asc (197 Bytes)