Broken link in tickets I own table from RT at a glance page

I am having a minor problem with my installation of RT.

On my RT at a glance page, in my “10 highest priority tickets I own” table, the ID correctly links to http://intranetb/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=6 but the subject links to http://intranetb/Ticket/Display.html?id=6

My RT is set up to live at http://intranetb/rt so, as you’ll see, when I click on ticket number it works but not when I click on the text.

This isn’t a problem in the “10 newest unowned tickets” table.

What do I have to change to remove this broken link?

I’ve had a poke around some of the files under share/html (notably Elements/QueueSummary Elements/CollectionAsTable/Header Elements/CollectionAsTable/Row and Elements/Chart) but I don’t know enough to pin down what to change.

FYI - I’m pretty sure I’m using RT version 3.6.1

If this has been reported and solved before I apologise - I did several searches!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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I am having the exact same problem and was about to send email about it.
The only place I have the problem is in the 10 highest priority tickets
I own section. Everything else works properly as iCloud

James Mitchell wrote:

I’m seeing the same effect. It works fine for everyone but one specific

I’m also running 3.6.1

John Arends wrote:

I looked at the code for both (I’m no Perl whiz) but it looks like the
same variable is being used in both places, so I’m confused why its
breaking only for that one section.

Sean Johnson wrote:

I’ve spent quite a bit more time on this and can’t seem to find the
problem. Since 3 of us are having this issue, is it possible this is a bug?

John Arends wrote:

This is a bug and from memory Jim Meyer have submitted a fix/patch a
month or so ago (sorry can’t find the link)…have you searched the list

John Arends wrote:

I have searched quite a bit, not found a fix but I did find a workaround. Tue, 2006-10-03 at 18:21 +0200, Wolfgang.Fuertbauer at wrote:

Great! it works!
one has to remove and add the Subject column in “Customize …”

So, as you see, if you edit the table, remove the subject column and re-add it
with the link, it should work (and did on mine but that doesn’t solve the
problem for any other users…)

If anybody finds a genuine fix, please re-post it here for the benefit of anybody
finding this thread via a search.



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Alex Krohn at Gossamer Threads fixed it up locally with the following
snippet. I’m on-site with a client today, but if somebody could clean
it up a little bit (I suspect it needs to load the RT::System saved
searches attribute by something other than id and it needs a wrapper
so that it can run as a standalone script.

Subject: fixing webpath in database

Hi Jesse,

Quick question for you if you have a moment. I ran into the problem with
WebPath not getting stored in the database for “Highest priority
tickets I own” search on a few new 3.6.1 installs. After reading:

I put something together to fix up the value in Content in the
Attributes table on this installation:

my $attr = RT::Attribute->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $hash = $attr->Content;
$hash->{Format} =~ s,<a href="/,<a href="__WebPath__/,;

and it worked fine. However, for one user account, I still get links to
‘/Ticket/Display’, rather then ‘/rt3/Ticket/Display’. i.e.
WebPath is
missing. All other users on this install show up fine.

Is there somewhere else I would need to update for this?



Alex Krohn
Gossamer Threads Inc.
Tel: (604) 687-5804 Fax: (604) 687-5806

I found this link:

Where Jesse says it was applied. Does this mean if I’m running 3.6.1
(that I just installed last week) the patch should already be applied to
that version?

Roy El-Hames wrote: