Broken Attachments with RT 3.06 / FastCgi - was:Re: Attachments being truncated

Funny enough, i can’t reproduce this when i email an attachment into RT from
my Mac. Seems to only happen when our employees email using Notes on Windows
or when we get attachments emailed from outside the company.

Can you have someone send me personally mail with an attachment that
breaks RT EXACTLY as they send it to RT?

Attached are two examples.

connectorOK.jpg is a WORKING attachment as i received it in my email via CC
before the message was injected into RT.

connector.jpg is a BROKEN attachment as downloaded via the RT Webinterface.


Stefan Seiz

rt-users mailing list

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Can you have someone send me personally mail with an attachment that
breaks RT EXACTLY as they send it to RT?

Hi Jesse,

thanks for replying. I’ll setup a test queue tomorrow and have my US guys
email attachments as often as it needs until I can 100% reproduce how to
send them so they break when entering RT. I assume it’s as simple as sending
one with a Notes Client on Windows, but maybe not.

As soon as I could reproduce it a couple of times, I’ll have them send the
attachment directly to you AND cc a test-que on our RT.
