AW: Reminders in 3.6?

Hi mike,
Have a look to the new rtx-calender on cpan, its nice. You cab remove the reminder window from your front screen and add the calender there. It giving you all the reminders and tickets with on on due date for on on week. Its a nice solution.

T.-----Original Message-----
To: RT Users
Sent: Thu May 03 21:07:55 2007
Subject: [rt-users] Reminders in 3.6?

I’ve just upgraded to 3.6.3 from 3.4.1. I notice the new reminders feature.

How is this supposed to work or be used?

I tried setting a reminder for 6 months to remind me to call a
customer. This then appears on the “RT at a glance” page. I assume if
I add 20 more reminders for several
months down the line then each of these will appear on this screen.

Is it possible to have them appear on the front screen only a day, or
a predefined time before the reminder date?


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Have a look to the new rtx-calender on cpan, its nice. You cab remove
the reminder window from your front screen and add the calender there.
It giving you all the reminders and tickets with on on due date for on
on week. Its a nice solution.

Very nice.  However, I can't see how to add it to my front page. 

I only see it under the Tickets tab. How do I do that?