Automatic owner allocation

I think this was briefly touch on earlier, but not much.

At the moment, all requests via email is set as owner=Nobody.
Is there a way to set the owner to a specific user, if the email was sent to
a specified address.

Essentially what I would want is to email userX@support and automatically
make userX the owner of the ticket. Naturally this would be the case for
multiple users.

The same would go to automatically allocate it to a specific que if sent to

Has anyone got something like this going? Jesse, if nothing like this
exists, wouldn’t it be great functionality

Thanks in advance.

Rehan van der Merwe

“RvdM” == Rehan van der Merwe writes:

RvdM> Essentially what I would want is to email userX@support and automatically
RvdM> make userX the owner of the ticket. Naturally this would be the case for
RvdM> multiple users.

It seems that if rt-mailgate had a --owner option it could use that
for creating the ticket. It appears that there is no such option
currently, but shouldn’t be too difficult to add.

Couldn’t you do this with enhanced-mailgate right now?

Here’s what I’m guessing you would have to do (this is convoluted, though…
maybe there’s a better way???):

  1. Create a userX@support email alias to userX@normaldomain.
  2. Install procmail and PGP.
  3. Have a procmail recipe for userX to filter all mails addressed to
    userX@support. The procmail recipe would:
    A. Use formail to grab/modify relevant information from the email;
    B. Additionally modify the email with a script to build the
    enhanced-mailgate headers, including owner assignment;
    C. Sign the modified and enhanced-mailgate-ready message with
    the userX’s PGP signature (I’ll avoid the obvious security
    implication of having a process that automatically signs
    messages using PGP; that discussion would be tangent. BUT
    I don’t think I would do it personally unless I really, really
    wanted this functionality.); and
    D. Forward the new message on to RT

I haven’t done any enhanced-mailgate stuff yet, though. I’m just relatively
familiar with the inspiration of the mailgate: req. Could the above steps do
the trick?


Vivek Khera writes: