Automated Priority

A few weeks ago, I installed Request Tracker to help handle the incoming
mail to the support address for Williams Students Online. We are a
student organization that provides a few thousand mail accounts, a
bunch of listservs, database services, web hosting, etc… to students
and alums of Williams College. So far, just about everything has
worked like a charm; we hacked customized responses to common problems
into the interface, filter spam out via spamassassin and procmail, and
have been using the system for a few weeks with wonderful results.

The only thing that I haven’t been able to get working is automated
priority incrementing. Our primary queue has “Priority Starts At” set
to 0, “Requests Should be due in” set to 30 days, and “Over time,
priority moves towards” set to 60. One would think this would result
in an increase of 2 per day; do we need to trigger a cron job of some
kind to go through the tickets and update them? Is there an
undocumented constraint on these settings that is more restrictive
than the 0-100 range? Currently, all tickets have priority 0 and left
0, Although the “Due” field is properly set.

Any ideas?

-Tom White

Tom White wrote:

The only thing that I haven’t been able to get working is automated
priority incrementing. Our primary queue has “Priority Starts At” set
to 0, “Requests Should be due in” set to 30 days, and “Over time,
priority moves towards” set to 60. One would think this would result
in an increase of 2 per day; do we need to trigger a cron job of some
kind to go through the tickets and update them? Is there an
undocumented constraint on these settings that is more restrictive
than the 0-100 range? Currently, all tickets have priority 0 and left
0, Although the “Due” field is properly set.

yep, you have to implement that yourself via a cron job and some custom
perl work.
There has been some discussion on this list about it in the past.

The only thing that I haven’t been able to get working is automated
priority incrementing. Our primary queue has “Priority Starts At” set
to 0, “Requests Should be due in” set to 30 days, and “Over time,
priority moves towards” set to 60. One would think this would result
in an increase of 2 per day; do we need to trigger a cron job of some
kind to go through the tickets and update them?

I think you want to look at rt-crontool
