Autocomplete limit for custom fields in RT 4.4


I was wondering if there is a way to set the limit for custom fields, before autocomplete replaces the dropdown list.

For users, there is $DropdownMenuLimit, but it has no effect on custom fields.

We are having UI problems, when a custom field is autocomplete type, so I want to increase the limit.

What is the “type” value for the custom field? I didn’t know that dropdown inputs would switch to text input if they got many options

The “type” is “Select multiple values”

Is the input different when there are many options vs one option? The UI difference may just be the “select multiple values” vs the “select one value” input type

I made a screenshot.Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-28 um 16.08.15

it looks like you can use the “Chosen” callback in “Elements/EditCustomFieldSelect” to set “$use_chosen” to 0 at all times or add a new check that occurs after the existing one:

my $use_chosen = $CustomField->Values->Count >= 10 ? 1 : 0;

out of curiosity does a shift+ctr+r page refresh fix the issue? Maybe the browser has some cached CSS/JS that messes with the RT CSS/JS

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Both solutions didn’t work.
I edited directly in /opt/rt4/share/html/Elements/EditCustomFieldSelect on the test system, I know, this is not the recommended way. Mason cache has been cleaned and apache restarted.
Refreshing and different browser had no effect either.

Did you clear the mason cache before restarting the web server? rm -Rf var/mason/obj*

my fault, had a typo in the clear mason cache command. Now it is fixed. thank you