Auto Resolve Aged Tickets - Custom Email Template

Does anyone know how to auto resolve tickets after so many days, and email
out a custom template?

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Does anyone know how to auto resolve tickets after so many days, and email
out a custom template?

And the reminders doc has examples of sending email

Or you could just email on resolve.


Thanks, but I don’t think this is what we are looking for. Here is what we
are looking for:

  • If we manually resolve a ticket, this should send out one email template
  • If there is an aged ticket, we want it to auto resolve, and then send out
    a different custom template (I can get the tickets to auto resolve no
    problem with rt-crontool, but I can’t find out how to make it send a custom
    email template when it auto resolves).

I tried to purchase the book, but I can’t buy it from Barns and Noble being
from Canada.

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Thanks, but I don’t think this is what we are looking for. Here is what we
are looking for:

  • If we manually resolve a ticket, this should send out one email template
  • If there is an aged ticket, we want it to auto resolve, and then send out
    a different custom template (I can get the tickets to auto resolve no
    problem with rt-crontool, but I can’t find out how to make it send a custom
    email template when it auto resolves).

I tried to purchase the book, but I can’t buy it from Barns and Noble being
from Canada.

If you are speaking about the RT Essentials book, you can purchase
either paperback or PDF from O’Reilly:

It looks like they ship outside the US.

Duane Hill
“If at first you don’t succeed, so much for sky diving.”

  • If we manually resolve a ticket, this should send out one email template
  • If there is an aged ticket, we want it to auto resolve, and then send out
    a different custom template (I can get the tickets to auto resolve no
    problem with rt-crontool, but I can’t find out how to make it send a custom
    email template when it auto resolves).

I’d use two separate statuses and change your On Resolve scrips so
that two exist, one that says “If going from specific status to
Resolved, send this template” and the other which says “If going from
any other status, send this template”.

Changing templates in a single scrip based on ticket properties is
