RT 3.4
Is it possible to automatically fill-in a customer’s information some
how in RT? Maybe via a scrip? That is, create various custom fields,
and customer has a unique id, and based on that id all relevant data
will be populated: i.e. phone number, name, etc.
Ron Tyro
Scotiabank Information Commmons, University of Toronto
You probably don’t want to use a scrip, it’s after the fact (although it
would work, you just wouldn’t see it until you submit). You may wish to
consider adding some javascript or the like to the form to do your
directory (LDAP or whatever you are using) lookup for the information.
Ramon Kagan
York University, Computing and Network Services
Information Security - Senior Information Security Analyst
(416)736-2100 #20263
I have not failed. I have just I don’t know the secret to success,
found 10,000 ways that don’t work. but the secret to failure is
trying to please everybody.
- Thomas Edison - Bill Cosby
----------------------------------- ------------------------------------On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Ron Tyro wrote:
RT 3.4
Is it possible to automatically fill-in a customer’s information some
how in RT? Maybe via a scrip? That is, create various custom fields,
and customer has a unique id, and based on that id all relevant data
will be populated: i.e. phone number, name, etc.
Ron Tyro
Scotiabank Information Commmons, University of Toronto
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