Attachments corrupt

We are experiencing problems with attachments being corrupted with RT
3.2.1. Searching around showed that someone created a patch for Perl to
get around the problem. We would very much like to avoid doing this if
at all possible. Is there any other “fix” available? Would upgrading to
a later version of Perl correct the problem, or is the patch that was
provided the only way to fix the issue?

Robert Hough (

Rob Hough wrote:

We are experiencing problems with attachments being corrupted with RT
3.2.1. Searching around showed that someone created a patch for Perl to
get around the problem. We would very much like to avoid doing this if
at all possible. Is there any other “fix” available? Would upgrading to
a later version of Perl correct the problem, or is the patch that was
provided the only way to fix the issue?
fixed in perl 5.8.3 and higher

PS: ‘test-dependencies’ script from RT3.2.1 checks perl version then
IMHO you didn’t install/upgrade your RT well. It’s your fault number one.

PPS: Request Tracker Wiki section Attachments.
Fault number two.