Assets 1.01rc1 released

Assets 1.01rc1 – 2014-05-08

We are pleased to announce the first release candidate of Assets 1.01.
This release adds one new feature, CSV download, and makes minor changes
to the Assets display.

SHA1 sums

a1d0239e31e8f975a9fbabbc56b87cd8360cda03 RT-Extension-Assets-1.01rc1.tar.gz
76f78d8cf65da34241085e12319de080ee5af185 RT-Extension-Assets-1.01rc1.tar.gz.asc

Changes from 1.0:

  • Squelch warnings when Assets configuration options are set in
  • Add a CSV export option
  • Better formatting of people on Assets display pages
  • Adjust CSS to no longer cause core RT tables to be overly-wide

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log 1.0…1.01rc1
or visiting
Comparing 1.0...1.01rc1 · bestpractical/rt-extension-assets · GitHub

Assets 1.01rc2 – 2014-05-08

We are pleased to announce the second release candidate of Assets 1.01.
In addition to the changes in rc1, this includes a French translation,
and localization fixes.

SHA1 sums

80e7d0c4d3530efb894349e76bcbdae12370562d RT-Extension-Assets-1.01rc2.tar.gz
2a0b4ff5c72eb8bffd83e56fb3e96ef2571b3c43 RT-Extension-Assets-1.01rc2.tar.gz.asc

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log 1.0…1.01rc2
or visiting
Comparing 1.0...1.01rc2 · bestpractical/rt-extension-assets · GitHub

  • Alex