Article Search - Customizing Results Columns

Cheers all,

Running RT 4.4.2 and trying to figure out how to customize the columns for the article search functions. Specifically, I’m searching on custom fields [successfully] and then wanting to export the results (or at least copy/paste the table of them).

Is this something that can be changed in the default config? If so, how?


Cheers RT team,

Just bumping this up to the top hoping for a response. Could really use an assist.

I’m not part of the RT Team (just a mere mortal user! :slight_smile: ) but here’s how I’d do it (assuming your RT install is in /opt/rt4):

  1. mkdir -p /opt/rt4/local/html/Articles/Article

  2. cp /opt/rt4/share/html/Articles/Article/Search.html /opt/rt4/local/html/Articles/Article/

  3. edit /opt/rt4/local/html/Articles/Article/Search.html to find the block:

    my $format = q{
    ’<a href="__WebPath__/Articles/Article/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__</a>/TITLE:#’,
    ’<a href="__WebPath__/Articles/Article/Display.html?id=__id__">__Name__</a>/TITLE:Name’,
    ’__Topics__’, };

  4. Insert a custom field entry into this list. This takes the form of CustomField, a dot, an open brace, the name of the custom field and then a closing brace. For example if you have a custom field called “Content” you would end up with:

    my $format = q{
    ’<a href="__WebPath__/Articles/Article/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__</a>/TITLE:#’,
    ’<a href="__WebPath__/Articles/Article/Display.html?id=__id__">__Name__</a>/TITLE:Name’,
    ’__Topics__’, };

  5. Save file, clear Mason cache/restart web server and test.