Arguments to callbacks?

Hello all,

any documentation on what is passed into a Callback? I am mostly
Googling the Callbacks I am interested in to figure out, using
examples others have provided, what the arguments may be, but that
only works so far. I also have the RT Essentials book, but that has no
mention of Callbacks at all!

Any help appreciated,


any documentation on what is passed into a Callback? I am mostly
Googling the Callbacks I am interested in to figure out, using
examples others have provided, what the arguments may be, but that
only works so far. I also have the RT Essentials book, but that has no
mention of Callbacks at all!

Every Callback is different.

Go find the callback you’re using and see what RT passes in.
$ grep -r callback /opt/rt3/share/html
Everything but CallbackName will be passed on in %ARGS


any documentation on what is passed into a Callback? I am mostly
Googling the Callbacks I am interested in to figure out, using
examples others have provided, what the arguments may be, but that
only works so far. I also have the RT Essentials book, but that has
mention of Callbacks at all!

Every Callback is different.

Go find the callback you’re using and see what RT passes in.
$ grep -r callback /opt/rt3/share/html
Everything but CallbackName will be passed on in %ARGS

Kevin, thank you for the response. I did a grep on the whole tree
right after I sent that message out and noticed the %ARGS in the
Ticket/Element and Element/ directories and have been trying to muddle
my way through them.

In case you are curious: I am trying to modify the display of a custom
field value. Unfortunately, there seems to be no Callback for each
specific value in Elements/ShowCustomFields, so I may do a local copy
of that whole script to make my changes, rather than attempt a
Callback (using say MassageCustomFields). Or I could add code to
ShowCustomFields to introduce a new Callback: MassageCustomFieldValue.
Being an amateur, I am not necessarily sure which direction I should


any documentation on what is passed into a Callback? I am mostly
Googling the Callbacks I am interested in to figure out, using
examples others have provided, what the arguments may be, but that
only works so far. I also have the RT Essentials book, but that has
mention of Callbacks at all!

Every Callback is different.

Go find the callback you’re using and see what RT passes in.
$ grep -r callback /opt/rt3/share/html
Everything but CallbackName will be passed on in %ARGS

In case you are curious: I am trying to modify the display of a custom
field value. Unfortunately, there seems to be no Callback for each
specific value in Elements/ShowCustomFields, so I may do a local copy
of that whole script to make my changes,


We just did exactly this sort of thing for a project I’ve been working on. I
don’t remember all the details now as I’m not at home at the moment. But
IIRC it involved modifying Elements/ShowCustomField (note singular form) and
then doing some checks for particular CF types. I got the idea off the wiki,
so that would be a good place to start.

Drew Taylor * Web development & consulting
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