Approvals and auto cc replies

Basically I am trying to implement a certain workflow and I want to know
if it is possible/makes sense in RT3.0.4:

Current workflow:
(This is not using RT)

  1. End user fills out a webform. This form collects all the work info
    plus the email address of the requestor and the approving manager.
  2. The Form sends an email to the requestor, the approving manager, and
    the tech(s) that would do the work.
  3. The tech(s) will not do the work until the manager has replied
    approving the work request.

My thoughts:
(I am not sure if I understand how the RT Approval function works)

  • I will have the webform send the email to RT with a from address of
    the requestor and a cc address of the manager.
  • I have configured RT to parse for CC info. So the tcket will have the
    manager as a CC watcher.
  • I have to write a scrip that sends a modified autoreply explaining
    that this ticket can’t be worked on until the manager approves the
    ticket, by replying to the ticket. (I haven’t figured out how to write
    the custom autoreply scrip yet, but I want to make sure this makes sense
    before I spend to much time doing so)

Brian Gupta
Senior Systems Engineer
Time Inc.

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Sounds good from hear…

Michael-----Original Message-----
From: []
Posted At: Friday, September 12, 2003 1:16 PM
Posted To: RT
Conversation: Approvals and auto cc replies
Subject: [rt-users] Approvals and auto cc replies

Basically I am trying to implement a certain workflow and I want to know
if it is possible/makes sense in RT3.0.4:

Current workflow:
(This is not using RT)

  1. End user fills out a webform. This form collects all the work info
    plus the email address of the requestor and the approving manager.
  2. The Form sends an email to the requestor, the approving manager, and
    the tech(s) that would do the work.
  3. The tech(s) will not do the work until the manager has replied
    approving the work request.

My thoughts:
(I am not sure if I understand how the RT Approval function works)

  • I will have the webform send the email to RT with a from address of
    the requestor and a cc address of the manager.
  • I have configured RT to parse for CC info. So the tcket will have the
    manager as a CC watcher.
  • I have to write a scrip that sends a modified autoreply explaining
    that this ticket can’t be worked on until the manager approves the
    ticket, by replying to the ticket. (I haven’t figured out how to write
    the custom autoreply scrip yet, but I want to make sure this makes sense
    before I spend to much time doing so)

Brian Gupta
Senior Systems Engineer
Time Inc.

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Thank you.

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