Apply Custom Role as watcher of a queue

Happy new year to all :slight_smile:

We want to use a custom role “CreateCC” on queues to inform if a ticket arrives.

In the past we did it this way:

  1. Create a Group for members of the queue. (Name: <Queue>_W_OnCreate) (the W represents Watch)
  2. On database-level (sql) create an “Action”: “Notify <Group> as BCC:” where <Group> is the group from 1.
  3. Set up a Scrip with condition “On Create” and the new action from 2. and any template.

So we have a new Action for each queue, annoying, and it depends on the database-admin each time there is a change.

It is documented to “easily copy an exisiting Notify-Action”: Custom roles - RT 5.0.0 Documentation - Best Practical
First: Does it mean a copy in the database or is there an item in the UI I am too blind to see?

Second: Is there a way to make the custom role availiable for the “Watchers”-menue of a queue?
(e.g. /Admin/Queues/People.html?id=83, replace id with a queue of yours)

This way it might be possible to use the Custom Role CreateCC the same way as AdminCC: Configure people belonging to a queue via UI and set up the right Scrips.

It is documented to “easily copy an exisiting Notify-Action”: Custom roles - RT 5.0.0 Documentation - Best Practical
First: Does it mean a copy in the database or is there an item in the UI I am too blind to see?

Go to Admin > Global > Actions > Select, click on the action you want to copy, like Notify AdminCc, then click the Copy Action button and create a new one with the custom role name.

Second: Is there a way to make the custom role availiable for the “Watchers”-menue of a queue?
(e.g. /Admin/Queues/People.html?id=83, replace id with a queue of yours)

This way it might be possible to use the Custom Role CreateCC the same way as AdminCC: Configure people belonging to a queue via UI and set up the right Scrips.

Yes, if you apply a custom role to a queue, it should show up on the watchers tab right under the core AdminCc and Cc roles.

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Ah, oh. Thank you, @Jim_Brandt!

I don’t know why but the testing-environment I used is 4.4.1. There the Actions-menue is missing and one has to use the CLI. Thought it was a fresh mirror of production but it was not.

I’ll take another environment.

(Maybe it was too late at friday :slight_smile: )

Regards, Andre.