
I configured my apache.conf as mentioned in the
installation manual but apache gives syntax error :
"Invalid command ‘PerlModule’, perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
module not included in the server configuration"
however apache starts an i can login my rt site correctly…
but this runs on a virtual host and i can not make apache a graceful
(apachectl graceful) it says : "configuration broken, ignoring restart"

Bulent Tatlidil

Bulent Tatlidil wrote:

I configured my apache.conf as mentioned in the
installation manual but apache gives syntax error :
“Invalid command ‘PerlModule’, perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
module not included in the server configuration”
however apache starts an i can login my rt site correctly…

Post relevant bits of your apache config? Are you trying to use
mod_perl or fastcgi?

but this runs on a virtual host and i can not make apache a graceful
(apachectl graceful) it says : “configuration broken, ignoring restart”

“graceful” restart is all but guaranteed not to work if you’re
using RT under mod_perl. Stop and start the server instead.

However, the “Invalid command ‘PerlModule’” bit makes me think
you might not be using mod_perl?
Phil Homewood, Systems Janitor, http://www.SnapGear.com
pdh@snapgear.com Ph: +61 7 3435 2810 Fx: +61 7 3891 3630
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