Apache Error Log


After a -HUP signal or restart is sent to Apache, this error is
normally alleviated, but only on a temporary status. Here’s an
excerpt’s from Apache’s error_log,

[Wed Jun 29 14:50:15 2005] [error] Connect Failed Too many connections
\n at /opt/rt3/lib/RT.pm line 168\n
DBI connect
(‘dbname=rt_db_name;host=localhost;port=3306’,‘rt_user_name_here’,…) f
ailed: Too many connections at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/
DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 98

Any suggestions would be appreciated, this is running using Apache
1.3.33 with mod_perl(1) on a FBSD 5.3-STABLE kernel.


I get this message on my apache error_log, what is that supposed to

[Mon Jun 26 21:02:55 2006] [crit]: RT thinks this message may be a
bounce (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:708)
[Mon Jun 26 21:03:04 2006] [crit]: RT Recieved mail
(200606262102.k5QL2fN6008686@ticketserver) from itself.

I’m not sure, but it sounds like it may be a mail loop.

Serge Bianda wrote:

At Monday 6/26/2006 04:05 PM, Serge Bianda wrote:

I get this message on my apache error_log, what is that supposed to


[Mon Jun 26 21:02:55 2006] [crit]: RT thinks this message may be a

bounce (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:708)

[Mon Jun 26 21:03:04 2006] [crit]: RT Recieved mail

(<200606262102.k5QL2fN6008686@ticketserver>) from itself.


This means that a ticket sent mail to an address that feeds right back
into RT. There are various config options that control how to handle
these bounces. You can notify a specified email address for each bounce
and/or you can allow or prevent the bouncing message to append to its
