Apache::DBI 0.92 make test failure - how critical?

Redhat 8.0, perl 5.8 (vendor supplied).

Running ‘make test’ on Apache::DBI 0.92 gives the following error:

t/10mysql…NOK 5# got: ‘531’

expected: ‘532’

The code is:
is($thread_1, $thread_2, “got the same connection both times”);

How critical is it that the two threads are the same? I noticed that
the current version I have (0.91) has the same error. Is this a mysql
issue or an Apache::DBI issue and how will that impact RT?

matthew zeier - “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be
understood.” - Marie Curie

Running ‘make test’ on Apache::DBI 0.92 gives the following error:
t/10mysql…NOK 5# got: ‘531’

expected: ‘532’

The code is:
is($thread_1, $thread_2, “got the same connection both times”);
How critical is it that the two threads are the same? I noticed that
the current version I have (0.91) has the same error. Is this a mysql
issue or an Apache::DBI issue and how will that impact RT?

0.92 was supposed to fix this.

If they’re not the same, you’ll lose the benefit of Apache::DBI.
Basically it’s not working at all. (You can still access your
database, but you don’t get the connection caching.) – BUT – this
may only manifest itself in the tests, because of how the environment
has to be faked. So it is safe to use.

I’ve CC’ed the author.
