Apache config with symlinks?

Someone on this list mentioned a few weeks back that they had RT 1.3.x
running in apache with symlinks and a .htaccess file instead of using the
virtual config setup. Could you possibly post your config to the list?
Thanks in advance.

Sanity sanity@fretzel.net writes:

Someone on this list mentioned a few weeks back that they had RT 1.3.x
running in apache with symlinks and a .htaccess file instead of using the
virtual config setup. Could you possibly post your config to the list?
Thanks in advance.

I did. :slight_smile:

I have a rt2 dir placed in /tools/rt2 on a apache server. That’s the

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root rit 25 mar 9 15:58 rt2 → /usr/local/rt2/WebRT/html

.htaccess in the rt2 dir consists of:

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason

This line could be placed in .htaccess but should be placed in the
main apache configuration in order to preload the needed modules and
thus speed up the pages:

PerlRequire /usr/local/rt2/bin/webmux.pl

And all this requires mod_perl and that you have configured apache to
allow this. I’m not sure if you need to turn on Options +ExecCGI.

/ Jonas - Jonas Liljegren