Anchors and get rid from index.cgi in URL and glitches


Please, help me manage wiki and use it in ML answers more effectively.

  1. I wish you allow next URLs:
    Request Tracker Wiki
    I think it can be done easy with mod_rewrite.
    It’ll help us insert direct links to documents and also this links could
    be actual if path would be changed like it was after software update.

  2. I wish ‘==…==’ markup generate anchor in HTML.
    For example: == Group rights ==

    Group rights


It’ll help us point to conrete sub part. FAQ’s growing. docs nice example of using anchors.
mod_perl: mod_perl Installation
Pay attention how big page is.

Nice URLs are rulezzz. I hope you could satisfy this wishes.

[GLITCHES] And I still get sometimes error on updates, but after it page
is changed. I sent report about it. It happens for eg on HowTos page.
Also for this page revisions not incrementing if I update it.

			Best regards. Ruslan.

Rerequest for features :slight_smile:

I don’t see glitch more.

Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:


Please, help me manage wiki and use it in ML answers more effectively.

  1. I wish you allow next URLs:
    Request Tracker Wiki
    I think it can be done easy with mod_rewrite.
    It’ll help us insert direct links to documents and also this links could
    be actual if path would be changed like it was after software update.

  2. I wish ‘==…==’ markup generate anchor in HTML.
    For example: == Group rights ==

    Group rights


It’ll help us point to conrete sub part. FAQ’s growing.
Request Tracker Wiki docs nice example of using anchors.
mod_perl: mod_perl Installation
Pay attention how big page is.

Nice URLs are rulezzz. I hope you could satisfy this wishes.
