An internal RT error has occurred

When trying to view ticket #27909 everything seem normal however at the
bottom of the history I see the following:

Wed Dec 11 11:14:52 2013 (Carl Razon) -
Comments added
Spoke with Tim Heutz, said he will get the “from” address.
An internal RT error has occurred. Your administrator can find more details
in RT’s log files.

Can anyone shed some light on how to correct this issue? Log file can be
seen below:

[17175] [Wed Jul 9 20:25:29 2014] [debug]: Rendering attachment #134635 of
‘text/html’ type
[17175] [Wed Jul 9 20:25:29 2014] [debug]: Rendering attachment #134628 of
‘text/html’ type
[17175] [Wed Jul 9 20:25:29 2014] [error]: Can’t call method “Id” on an
undefined value at /opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/URI/ line 132.

[17176] [Wed Jul 9 20:25:29 2014] [debug]: SQL(0.000319s): SELECT * FROM
Users WHERE id = ?; [ bound values: ‘52’ ]

View this message in context:

When trying to view ticket #27909 everything seem normal however at the
bottom of the history I see the following:
[17175] [Wed Jul 9 20:25:29 2014] [error]: Can’t call method “Id” on an
undefined value at /opt/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/URI/ line 132.

My guess is you have an article that has been deleted?

You’ll probably need to delete the corresponding transaction
pointing to that deleted article. Theres a bug about this in the
tracker. You can look at the transactions for a given ticket using
the ObjectType/ObjectId fields on Transactions and the bad record
should be easy to spot.
