Almost there!

I’ve used RT Extensively, but this is my first attempt at doing an
install of it. I’m running Fedora Core 5 and Apache2.

I’ve been stuck at this point for a week or two. Now that I’m back
working on the RT project, I figured it’s time I ask for some help.
I’ve gone through the wiki docs, as well as the mailing list archive,
but it’s still not working (it’s gotten me this far though)… I get
the ubiquitous “Almost there” page.

Here is what I have for an httpd.conf at this point.

Begin RT Host

DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html

PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/

<Directory /opt/rt34/share/html>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler RT::Mason

Possibly unrelated… I’m fairly new to Apache as well. One thing I
don’t understand is:
<Directory /opt/rt34/share/html>

/opt/rt34 doesn’t exist (it’s /opt/rt3). However if I change it to
/opt/rt3, I get a 500 internal server error. This way I get the Almost
there page.

Help, input, advice, direction?


Here is what I have for an httpd.conf at this point.

<Directory /opt/rt34/share/html>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler RT::Mason

Possibly unrelated… I’m fairly new to Apache as well. One thing I
don’t understand is:
<Directory /opt/rt34/share/html>

/opt/rt34 doesn’t exist (it’s /opt/rt3). However if I change it to
/opt/rt3, I get a 500 internal server error. This way I get the Almost
there page.

You should be using /opt/rt3 not 34. That tells apache to use the Perl
Handler RT::Mason for anything in /opt/rt3. Without it, mason isn’t
interpretting the HTML in /opt/rt3/ and so you get the stock nearly there
Look at the apache error log when you get the 500 error. That may tell you
more. It could be that you don’t have the database set up properly, or are
missing some crucial dependencies. I think they both would give you a 500
error. There are quite a few reasons you could be getting 500 messages but
your apache logs should provide some more clue,


I get this when it is trying to log to file but I haven’t touched the
file yet. Check that?

Andrew Nicols wrote:> On 8/29/06, Ben Weston <> wrote:

Here is what I have for an httpd.conf at this point.
   <Directory /opt/rt34/share/html>
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler RT::Mason

Possibly unrelated...  I'm fairly new to Apache as well.  One thing I
don't understand is:
<Directory /opt/rt34/share/html>

/opt/rt34 doesn't exist (it's /opt/rt3).  However if I change it to
/opt/rt3, I get a 500 internal server error.  This way I get the
there page.

You should be using /opt/rt3 not 34. That tells apache to use the Perl
Handler RT::Mason for anything in /opt/rt3. Without it, mason isn’t
interpretting the HTML in /opt/rt3/ and so you get the stock nearly
there message.
Look at the apache error log when you get the 500 error. That may tell
you more. It could be that you don’t have the database set up
properly, or are missing some crucial dependencies. I think they both
would give you a 500 error. There are quite a few reasons you could be
getting 500 messages but your apache logs should provide some more clue,


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Drew Barnes
Applications Analyst
Raymond Walters College
University of Cincinnati