Adding Constituencies without breaking what we already have setup

Hi Folks,

We have a very busy RTIR installation already in production. We’d
like to start handling abuse reports for another provider and though
the Constituency system is probably the way to go. The goal here is
to have different templates depending on the constituency of a ticket.
I’ve been reading
Constituencies - RTIR 3.0.4 Documentation - Best Practical among
other things but I’m not really clear on how to get different
templates depending on what constituency is set on the ticket for an

I think it works like this:

  • Email comes in
  • I’ve modified to set the Constituency field depending
    on which hosting provider the IP address belongs to
  • A subsequently created Incident will inherit the Constituency (is that right?)
  • A subsequently created Investigation will inherit the Constituency
    (is that right?)

but … How does one ensure that a different template is used per
constituency? Also a different From address should be used to send
the Investigation email as well.

I’ve tried creating another Queue called “Incident Reports - XYZ”
where XYZ is the constituency name I’m using but I didn’t see any
magic so I must be misunderstanding what creating Constituency based
queues is for. I guess what I’m trying to figure out is how can we
implement constituencies to a system that’s already been in operation
and very busy for over a year?

Landon Stewart ::
Lead Specialist, Abuse and Security Management
Spécialiste principal, gestion des abus et sécurité :: +1 (888) 909-4932

We have a very busy RTIR installation already in production. We’d
like to start handling abuse reports for another provider and though
the Constituency system is probably the way to go. The goal here is
to have different templates depending on the constituency of a ticket.
I’ve been reading
Constituencies - RTIR 3.0.4 Documentation - Best Practical among
other things but I’m not really clear on how to get different
templates depending on what constituency is set on the ticket for an

From this section of that page
Note that templates, custom fields and scrips can still be applied to
pseudo queues, but in the current implementation these objects have no
effect on the RTIR behavior. This may be changed in the future.

but … How does one ensure that a different template is used per
constituency? Also a different From address should be used to send
the Investigation email as well.

This can be done, use add_constituency and change the Reply Address on
the Incidents - Foo

I guess what I’m trying to figure out is how can we
implement constituencies to a system that’s already been in operation
and very busy for over a year?

This is what Development systems are for. You test and get everything
ready, script what you can and then schedule downtime.
