Adding an icon of some sort to a list of tickets when ticket gets updated

Hi all,

Does anyone has experience in adding some sort of indication to the query view of own tickets or just a list of tickets when a ticket has been changed.
Like for example if I have a list op open tickets and someone comments on the ticket is it possible that I can put some indication in the ticket row of the search view so it attracts my attention?
I know you can see the last updated field in the tickets list view, but we would like some other indication in the dashboard…

kind regards.


signature.asc (801 Bytes)

Hi all,

Does anyone has experience in adding some sort of indication to the query view of own tickets or just a list of tickets when a ticket has been changed.

You could sort by “LastUpdated”. The most recently updated tickets
would bubble to the top.

Like for example if I have a list op open tickets and someone comments on the ticket is it possible that I can put some indication in the ticket row of the search view so it attracts my attention?

You could write a scrip to update the status when the ticket is
commented on (or corresponded on). You could add extra qualifiers on
the condition too, like corresponded by the requestor.

Then hack the column map to add CSS style for the statuses you are
interested in.
