Adding a new user

Sorry if this has been asked before.
I have been given admin access to my RT system as the person who was running it has left. I need to add new person to a group which I have done by going in to the user and making them a member of the group. The new user can see unknown tickets but the user cannot see any queues (they are showing when you click the cog).

I think I have missed an entire step when I have added them to the group, any help would be appriciated.


Is said user privileged?

Sorry you say they are showing when you click the cog, do you mean on the Queue List portlet? If so just tick the queues you want to see


on the basics page of the user, both tick boxes (let user access and granted rights) are both ticked.

if i hover over the cog it says edit, but they are all ticked as well

ok so has the user logged out and back in, in case they need to pickup new rights and what rights does the group have on the queues you want to look at?


the one thing i didnt do so sorry for wasting your time with this