Action "comment" create new ticket

Why Action “comment” create a new ticket instead of adding a comment to the current ticket (ticket:42)?

$ (echo “From: rtuser@xx.local” ; echo “Subject: test-mail6” ; echo ; echo “test”) | /opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate --queue Support --action comment --url https://xx.xx.local:443 --debug --no-verify-ssl

Ticket: 42
Queue: Support
Owner: Nobody
Status: new
Subject: test-mail6
Requestor: rtuser@xx.local

rvn@srvappst7:~$ (echo “From: rtuser@xx.local” ; echo “Subject: test-mail6” ; echo ; echo “otvet”) | /opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate --queue Support --action comment --url --debug --no-verify-ssl

Ticket: 43
Queue: Support
Owner: Nobody
Status: new
Subject: test-mail6
Requestor: rtuser@xx.local

There is no ticket ID in the subject of the incoming email, copy the ticket subject of ticket 43 from the web UI and set that as the subject header for your test command

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