Accessing a second database (updated)

Bart Duchesne wrote:

Hi all,

We are currently running RT 2.0.13 successfully for several weeks now
and I’m making some customisations for it.

Take a seat as the problem description is rather long, but tested.

What I have done is the following :

I made a class hierarchy of my company database (Postgress; running on a
different machine then RT in a different database) the same way it is
done in RT (using DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle, Dx::S::Record , etc)

I have a test perl script using these objects successfully from the
commandline; so access to the database is ok and the objects really

Then I added my modules to the RT lib directory, modified the webmux to
also use my modules and called MYDB::Init() right after RT::Init().
This is where trouble starts, it appears to me that the Dx::S::Handle
uses a global $DBIHandle that is overwritten each time Handle->Connect
is called: the call to RT::Init messes up the handle made by MYDB::Init,
so it’s tables are unacessible because the handle it has constructed now
points to the RT database instead of mine.

Trying to be smart, I modified Dx::S::Handle and made the $DBIHandle a
instance variable, I modified the Handle->dbh function to store in the
$self hash.

At a first sight it worked, I can access my two databases now using the
objects, BUT after a while I get a an error when RT tries to use the
$session{tickets} object, it’s database handle has become invalid. When
not using these $session{tickets} everything works nicely.

My guess was right ! It has something to do with the ‘caching’ of the
DBI handle in the tickets object in the $session{tickets} object,
I changed the way the RT:EasySearch get’s its handle (through a method
call instead of getting it from it’s hash) and now everything works
fine, the restored tickets object now get’s a new and fresh DBI handle
from RT::Handle that never barks to me.
The global DBIHandle in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle is now not being
used anymore (handle is stored in it’s hash) and I can now run two
different database apps in the same Mason (RT and our own
Company-Database-Extension-to-RT )
If anyone is intrested in the changes please let me know then I will
post them to the list.



I thought I had opened this as a bug on dbix::sb 6+ months ago. I guess I
never got around to submitting it.


Ultimatly DBIx::SB needs to be fixed, hacking around it in RT is okay for
now but its not a good mid/long term solution.
