A little script for using qmail with rt


I am lazy. I do not want to update an mail alias file when I add a new queue
to rt.

That is why I have written this little script, i at the end.

I guess it might be quite useful for other people too, so, have fun.

Best regards,


use strict;

qmail2rt v0.2# (c) 2002 by Matthias Juchem matthias@konfido.net

May be distributed freely, but I do not take responsibility for damage.

Feedback is welcome.

This script is used for piping mails delivered by qmail to rt-mailgate.


a) one virtual domains for rt with one user ($receiver) who receives all

mail for this domain (e.g. all mail for support.acme.com goes to user


b) ~$receiver/.qmail-default says:

| /var/qmail/bin/preline /home/$receiver/qmail2rt.pl

(e.g. “| /var/qmail/bin/preline /home/rt/qmail2rt.pl”)

c) mail address for queues are built like this:


( e.g. accounting-correspond@support.acme.com )

That means that LOCAL will contain rt-accounting-correspond.

d) In the file $queuelistfile you can list all valid queues. Furthermore,

you can decide whether qmail2rt insists on having this file. But if the

file is present, qmail2rt will only accept mail for queus listed in this


e) @names contains some mail aliases. Mails to those addresses will be

forwarded to $rtowner. (e.g. if @names contains ‘postmaster’, mail

to postmaster@support.acme.com is forwarded to $rtowner.)

Configuration variables - Change these for your site if necessary.

mail address of the rt admin (do quote the “@”!)

my $rtowner = “rtowner@gigashells.net”;

full path to the queue list file

my $queuelistfile = “/home/rt/queuelist”;

set to 1 if $queuelistfile is mandatory, 0 if it optional

my $qlfmandatory = 1;

full path to the rt-mailgate programme

my $mailgate = “/usr/local/lib/rt2/bin/rt-mailgate”;

full path to qmail-inject

my $qmailinject = “/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject”;

$receiver is the local user that receives all mail for our rt-subdomain.

my $receiver = “rt”;

@names contains an array of mail aliases that should go to $rtowner


my @names = ( “root”, “postmaster”, “mailer-daemon”,
“rtowner”, “owner”, “admin”, “hostmaster” );

set to 1 qmail2rt should not send any hard errors, 0 else

my $noharderrors = 0;

set to 1 if user and group IDs should be sent with bounces. might be

a problem wrt to security, but is useful while installing rt

my $sendugids = 0;

nothing should be changes below, i guess

my $debug = 0; # internal use
my $qrtversion = “0.2”;

sub bounce($$); # forward declaration of bounce(), useful for sending errors
sub hbounce($); # wrapper for bounce() for hard errors
sub sbounce($); # wrapper for bounce() for soft errors
sub debug($); # internal use

if(! defined($ENV{“LOCAL”}) ) {
# qmail sets the LOCAL environment variable to the left-hand part of the
# final email address that receives the mail
hbounce(“LOCAL not set.”);

my $local = lc($ENV{“LOCAL”});
$local =~ s/^$receiver-(.*)$/$1/; # strip the rt- at the beginning

debug “local is set to $local now”;

check if the mail went to one of the alias mentioned in @names

foreach my $name (@names) {
if( $name eq $local ) {
if( system( $qmailinject, $rtowner) != 0 ) {
hbounce(“Unable to execute qmail-inject. ($?)”);
exit 0;

my $action=undef;
my $queue=$local;

determine what to do with the mail

if( $local =~ m/^\w±correspond$/ ) {
$action = “correspond”;
$queue =~ s/^(\w+)-correspond$/$1/;
} elsif( $local =~ m/^\w±comment$/ ) {
$action = “comment”;
$queue =~ s/^(\w+)-comment$/$1/;
} elsif ( $local =~ m/^\w+$/ ) {
# correspond is our default action
$action = “correspond”;
} else {
$queue =~ s/^(\w+)-\w+$/$1/;

check $queuelistfile for $queue

my $found = 0;
if(open QLIST, “<$queuelistfile”) {
foreach my $entry () {
chomp $entry;
if($entry eq $queue) {
close QLIST;
} else {
# if we do not bounce here then rt will complain if the queue is not
# known
sbounce(“Unable to open queue list file.”) if($qlfmandatory);

if(defined($action)) {
if( system( $mailgate, ‘–queue’, $queue, ‘–action’, $action) !=0) {
hbounce(“Unable to execute rt-mailgate. ($?)”);
exit 0;
} else {
sbounce(“No suitable action found.”);
} else {
sbounce(“Queue $queue not known.”);

############## subroutines ##################################################

sub bounce($$) { # parameters: return code for qmail-send, short bounce msg.
my $error = shift;
my $text = shift;

# REUG stands for: Real Effective User Groups:
# [REUG: real user, effective user, real groups, effective groups]
# LAQ: similar ($local, $action and $queue)

$action="" unless defined($action);
$queue="" unless defined($queue);
$local="" unless defined($local);

my $message = "\nqmail2rt $qrtversion has detected the following ".
"Please notify $rtowner if this problem persists. The line(s) ".
"lines below will help him to fix the problem.\n\n".
"[LAQ: \'$local\', \'$action\', \'$queue\']\n";
if($sendugids) {
$message = $message."[REUG: $<,$>,$(,$)]\n\n";
} else {
$message = $message."\n";

print STDERR $message;
exit $error;


sub hbounce($) { # parameter: short bounce message
if($noharderrors) {
} else {
bounce(100, shift);

sub sbounce($) { # parameter: short bounce message
bounce(111, shift);

sub debug($) { # parameter: debug message
return unless $debug;
my $text = shift;

print STDERR "DEBUG: ", $text,"\n";



Here is an updated version of the qmail2rt.pl script that has been included
in the installation guide as the ‘scary qmail hack’.

Please include this version. Thank you.

Comments are welcome.

Best regards,



use strict;

qmail2rt v0.3# (c) 2002 by Matthias Juchem matthias@konfido.net

May be distributed freely, but I do not take responsibility for damage.

Feedback is welcome.

This script is used for piping mails delivered by qmail to rt-mailgate.


a) one virtual domains for rt with one user ($receiver) who receives all


for this domain (e.g. all mail for support.acme.com goes to user rt)

b) ~$receiver/.qmail-default says:

| /var/qmail/bin/preline /home/$receiver/qmail2rt.pl

(e.g. “| /var/qmail/bin/preline /home/rt/qmail2rt.pl”)

c) mail address for queues are built like this:


( e.g. accounting-correspond@support.acme.com )

That means that LOCAL will contain rt-accounting-correspond.

d) In the file $queuelistfile you can list all valid queues. Furthermore,

you can decide whether qmail2rt insists on having this file. But if the

file is present, qmail2rt will only accept mail for queus listed in this


e) @names contains some mail aliases. Mails to those addresses will be

forwarded to $rtowner. (e.g. if @names contains ‘postmaster’, mail

to postmaster@support.acme.com is forwarded to $rtowner.)

Configuration variables - Change these for your site if necessary.

mail address of the rt admin

my $rtowner = ‘rtowner@support.acme.com’;

full path to the queue list file

my $queuelistfile = “/home/rt/queuelist”;

set to 1 if $queuelistfile is mandatory, 0 if it optional

my $qlfmandatory = 1;

full path to the rt-mailgate programme

my $mailgate = “/usr/local/lib/rt2/bin/rt-mailgate”;

full path to qmail-inject

my $qmailinject = “/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject”;

$receiver is the local user that receives all mail for our rt-subdomain.

my $receiver = “rt”;

@names contains an array of mail aliases that should go to $rtowner directly

my @names = ( “root”, “postmaster”, “mailer-daemon”,
“rtowner”, “owner”, “admin”, “hostmaster” );

set to 1 qmail2rt should not send any hard errors, 0 else

my $noharderrors = 0;

set to 1 if user and group IDs should be sent with bounces. might be

a problem wrt to security, but is useful while installing rt

my $sendugids = 0;

nothing should be changed below, i guess

my $debug = 0; # internal use
my $qrtversion = “0.3”;

sub bounce($$); # forward declaration of bounce(), useful for sending errors
sub hbounce($); # wrapper for bounce() for hard errors
sub sbounce($); # wrapper for bounce() for soft errors
sub debug($); # used to print debug messages

if(! defined($ENV{“LOCAL”}) ) {
# qmail sets the LOCAL environment variable to the left-hand part of the
# final email address that receives the mail
# if mail is sent to general-correspond@support.domain.com and rt receives
# all mail for support.domain.com, LOCAL is set to rt-general-correspond
hbounce(“LOCAL not set.”);

my $local = lc($ENV{“LOCAL”});
$local =~ s/^$receiver-(.*)$/$1/; # strip the rt- at the beginning

debug “local is set to $local now”;

check if the mail went to one of the alias mentioned in @names

foreach my $name (@names) {
if( $name eq $local ) {
if( system( $qmailinject, $rtowner) != 0 ) {
hbounce(“Unable to execute qmail-inject. ($?)”);
exit 0;

my $action=undef;
my $queue=$local;

determine what to do with the mail

if( $local =~ m/^\w±correspond$/ ) {
$action = “correspond”;
$queue =~ s/^(\w+)-correspond$/$1/;
} elsif( $local =~ m/^\w±comment$/ ) {
$action = “comment”;
$queue =~ s/^(\w+)-comment$/$1/;
} elsif ( $local =~ m/^\w+$/ ) {
# correspond is our default action
$action = “correspond”;
} else {
$queue =~ s/^(\w+)-\w+$/$1/;

check $queuelistfile for $queue

my $found = 0;
if(open QLIST, “<$queuelistfile”) {
foreach my $entry () {
chomp $entry;
if($entry eq $queue) {
close QLIST;
} else {
# if we do not bounce here then rt will complain if the queue is not known
sbounce(“Unable to open queue list file.”) if($qlfmandatory);

if(defined($action)) {
if( system( $mailgate, ‘–queue’, $queue, ‘–action’, $action) != 0 ) {
hbounce(“Unable to execute rt-mailgate. ($?)”);
exit 0;
} else {
sbounce(“No suitable action found.”);
} else {
sbounce(“Queue $queue not known.”);

############## subroutines

return an error with the specified error code and error message

sub bounce($$) { # parameters: return code for qmail-send, short bounce
my $error = shift;
my $text = shift;

# REUG stands for: Real Effective User Groups:
# [REUG: real user, effective user, real groups, effective groups]
# LAQ: similar ($local, $action and $queue)

$action="" unless defined($action);
$queue="" unless defined($queue);
$local="" unless defined($local);

my $message = "\nqmail2rt $qrtversion has detected the following ".
"Please notify $rtowner if this problem persists. The line(s) ".
"lines below will help him to fix the problem.\n\n".
"[LAQ: \'$local\', \'$action\', \'$queue\']\n";
if($sendugids) {
$message = $message."[REUG: $<,$>,$(,$)]\n\n";
} else {
$message = $message."\n";

print STDERR $message;
exit $error;


return a hard error with specified error message

sub hbounce($) { # parameter: short bounce message
if($noharderrors) {
} else {
bounce(100, shift);

return a soft error with specified error message

sub sbounce($) { # parameter: short bounce message
bounce(111, shift);

function used to print debug messages, prints only if $debug is true

sub debug($) { # parameter: debug message
return unless $debug;
my $text = shift;

print STDERR "DEBUG: ", $text,"\n";

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
