3rd party reply on a ticket creates a new ticket

Using RT 3.6.3…

I have the following situation:

  • user A creates a ticket copying list B
  • user C (a member of B) replies to the ticket with more information
  • a second ticket is created, even though user C’s email was tagged
    correctly in the subject line

If user C is directly CC’d (instead of through an email list, which RT
obviously has no way of knowing about), then the reply goes into the
original ticket as desired. Is there a way to prevent RT from creating
a new ticket when anyone replies to a ticket?



Joe Casadonte

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== The statements and opinions expressed here are my own and do not ==
== necessarily represent those of Oracle Corporation. ==
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-----Original Message-----
From: rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com
[mailto:rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf
Of Joe Casadonte
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 12:22 PM
To: rt-users
Subject: [rt-users] 3rd party reply on a ticket creates a new ticket

Using RT 3.6.3…

I have the following situation:

  • user A creates a ticket copying list B
  • user C (a member of B) replies to the ticket with more information
  • a second ticket is created, even though user C’s email was tagged
    correctly in the subject line

If user C is directly CC’d (instead of through an email list,
which RT obviously has no way of knowing about), then the
reply goes into the original ticket as desired. Is there a
way to prevent RT from creating a new ticket when anyone
replies to a ticket?


Are you certain that User C is replying to the email generated by RT and
not to the message that User A cc:ed to the list? We have experienced
the same behavior where User A sends a new request directly to RT and
CC’s many additional users. One or more of those users enter into a
debate using ‘Reply All’ and each and every reply to that exchange of
emails lacks the RT subject line prefix and so spawns a raft of new
tickets. As a I understand it it’s only the lack of a valid subject line
prefix that will cause RT to spawn a new ticket.

We’re looking for a way to have RT just reject messages that it’s cc:ed
into, period, to avoid this situation. I suspect that would have to
occur at the MTA level but I’m not certain how we’d do that as we’re
using the Sendmail aliases table.

Kris Boutilier
Information Services Coordinator
Sunshine Coast Regional District

-----Original Message-----
From: rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com
[mailto:rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf
Of Joe Casadonte
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 12:22 PM
To: rt-users
Subject: [rt-users] 3rd party reply on a ticket creates a new ticket

Using RT 3.6.3…

I have the following situation:

  • user A creates a ticket copying list B
  • user C (a member of B) replies to the ticket with more information
  • a second ticket is created, even though user C’s email was tagged
    correctly in the subject line

If user C is directly CC’d (instead of through an email list,
which RT obviously has no way of knowing about), then the
reply goes into the original ticket as desired. Is there a
way to prevent RT from creating a new ticket when anyone
replies to a ticket?


Are you certain that User C is replying to the email generated by RT and
not to the message that User A cc:ed to the list? We have experienced
the same behavior where User A sends a new request directly to RT and
CC’s many additional users. One or more of those users enter into a
debate using ‘Reply All’ and each and every reply to that exchange of
emails lacks the RT subject line prefix and so spawns a raft of new
tickets. As a I understand it it’s only the lack of a valid subject line
prefix that will cause RT to spawn a new ticket.

We’re looking for a way to have RT just reject messages that it’s cc:ed
into, period, to avoid this situation. I suspect that would have to
occur at the MTA level but I’m not certain how we’d do that as we’re
using the Sendmail aliases table.

Just as an aside on this thread, possibly most of interest to Best
Practical: I’m using effectively the same setup that Kris describes above.
Almost all of my users describe themselves as very satisfied with the RT
system, but that this particular situation (multiple tickets opening due to
CC’s, etc) is their one significant complaint. The signal-to-noise ratio
becomes significantly smaller, depending on the config of specific queues.

(Yes, I have some picky users)

I’ve often wondered whether it would be possible to do some kind of an
(optional) caching mechanism for message bodies; if greater than, say, 90%
of the text of a cached message body is contained in a new request, then
assume that the two are related (or just create a single-click link to merge
the two, or something).

In my experience, a body-text-cache that held that text for 60 minutes would
be sufficient to eliminate all but a few stragglers of this particular type
of annoyance.

Perhaps not feasible…but if it was, it would be neato :slight_smile:

  • Ian

Are you certain that User C is replying to the email generated by RT and
not to the message that User A cc:ed to the list?

It happened again this morning, and you are indeed correct; he responded
to the original email, not the RT email. I thought I had researched
this the last time I was going to post about it (and never did,
obviously); I guess I failed to research it well enough.

This is even worse, of course, as I don’t know how to prevent the
behavior, other than educating users. It’s seriously annoying, having
to manually merge the tickets all the time.



| Joe Casadonte | joe.casadonte@oracle.com |
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