3.6.4rc1:10 newest unowned tickets is double wrong

Don’t remember if it was the same with 3.6.3. I don’t have it at the
moment on the system…

  1. The part in subject, as seen accessing homepage is incorrect: it
    tells newest, but I see instead the oldest 10 tickets.

So for example if I have 13 unowned tickets, I don’t see latest three
ones in this initial screen.

  1. On top of this 10 tickets list, there is an hyperlink (that is the
    title of the display itself) called:
    10 newest unowned tickets.
    Apart form the error in 1) I’m brought to think that going to follow
    this hyperlink I will go at what it says.
    Instead I get a screen where I get ALL the unowned tickets; in my case
  1. Infact the title of the resulting screen says "Found 13 tickets"
    In my opinion it would be correct to have the title without hyperlink in
    it, followed on the same line by something like

(see all unowned tickets)

Perhaps with only the word “see” as hyperlink…

Is this the behaviour also for you, or does it depend on a
misconfiguration of mine?


Let me describe what’s going on here:

  1. wrong order sounds like a bug, it should be ordered by Created date
    starting from the most recent one.
  2. about number of tickets you see.
    On “RT at glance” page we limit list by user’s preferences
    (Preferences → RT at glance → Rows per box). Header of a box on “RT
    at glance” points to a page with results of the same search, but as
    far as I know people want to see more tickets on this page. And the
    latter was true until 3.6.2 or 3.6.3, where we had broken it. I tried
    to fix it for 3.6.4 and the current behavior in rc1 is the following:
  • on “rt at glance” you see as many tickets as you specified in preferences.
  • when you click on the link you get to a search result with as many
    tickets as defined in saved search (those boxes we’re talking about
    are saved searches).

I find this very flexible, for example I can have boxes with 10
tickets on the glance page, but I click “tickets I own” link and get
all tickets, however I click “unowned tickets” and get to a page with
100 (whatever is stored in properties of the saved search) tickets.On 5/31/07, Gianluca Cecchi gcecchi@peviani.it wrote:

Don’t remember if it was the same with 3.6.3. I don’t have it at the moment
on the system…

  1. The part in subject, as seen accessing homepage is incorrect: it tells
    newest, but I see instead the oldest 10 tickets.

So for example if I have 13 unowned tickets, I don’t see latest three ones
in this initial screen.

  1. On top of this 10 tickets list, there is an hyperlink (that is the title
    of the display itself) called:
    10 newest unowned tickets.
    Apart form the error in 1) I’m brought to think that going to follow this
    hyperlink I will go at what it says.
    Instead I get a screen where I get ALL the unowned tickets; in my case 13.
    Infact the title of the resulting screen says “Found 13 tickets”

In my opinion it would be correct to have the title without hyperlink in it,
followed on the same line by something like

(see all unowned tickets)

Perhaps with only the word “see” as hyperlink…

Is this the behaviour also for you, or does it depend on a misconfiguration
of mine?


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Best regards, Ruslan.

  1. wrong order sounds like a bug, it should be ordered by Created date
    starting from the most recent one.

login as root
preferences (top right)
RT at a glance
unowned tickets
at right side where there is “order by”
first option by default is
Created Asc

Instead it should be Desc by default if you want that what you write is what it is displayed.
Works for me.
Or on the contrary you change term “newest” in “oldest”, leaving the default order in the query as it is now.
Tipically, apart from their priority, I think tickets are managed on a fifo basis, so probably this second option could be better.

PS: how can I do the same for all users? connected as a user I don’t see at top right the “preferences” option.
And connected as root if I try to modify a user I can set if the “unowned tickets” query is showed or not in RT at a glance…
but it remains the same, not as modified by root… How can I change “unowned tickets” query globally? Or do I have to create a sort of “my system unowned tickets query”?

Header of a box on “RT
at glance” points to a page with results of the same search, but as
far as I know people want to see more tickets on this page.
Ok, it is far clear now about intended behaviour and saved search functionality/flexibility.
But I was writing about default settings and displays.
You would agree with me that clicking on a phrase that says
10 newest unowned tickets
one would expect to be driven to what it says, not to the result of unowned tickets query…
So I basically think the navigation walkthrough is misleading in this case…

Another option for the title of the box could be something like
Newest unowned tickets (N showed here)

with “Newest unowned tickets” hyperlinked…

On “RT at glance” page we limit list by user’s preferences
(Preferences → RT at glance → Rows per box).
Is rows per box (default to 10) parameter configurable only on a system basis modifying “rows per box” in “Customize RT at a glance” screen connected as root user?
