3.6.4: Slow (or hanged up) when replying with a large text

Our RT installation works fine (upgraded from 3.6.3 to 3.6.4 and using
MySQL). But we just found that if a reply text to a ticket is too long
(more than 60 lines), RT does not seems to be able to refresh the
page. The reply is submitted with the Self Service interface. The web
browser just hang forever (or I am not patient enough to wait for more
than 10 minutes…).

If we stop the Web browser and restart it, then we can see that the
(long) reply was successfully accepted.

Is there any timeouts to look for? Or other issues?

Thierry Thelliez

Our RT installation works fine (upgraded from 3.6.3 to 3.6.4 and using
MySQL). But we just found that if a reply text to a ticket is too long
(more than 60 lines), RT does not seems to be able to refresh the
page. The reply is submitted with the Self Service interface. The web
browser just hang forever (or I am not patient enough to wait for more
than 10 minutes…).

If we stop the Web browser and restart it, then we can see that the
(long) reply was successfully accepted.

Is there any timeouts to look for? Or other issues?

Tell us about your Sendmail and Mail configuration variables in
RT_Config and RT_SiteConfig?

PGP.sig (186 Bytes)

From the RT_SiteConfig.pm

Set($MailCommand , ‘smtp’);
Set($SMTPServer, ‘localhost’);
Set($SMTPFrom, ‘support@xyz.com’);
Set($SMTPDebug, true);
Set($SendmailPath , ‘undef’);
Set($SendmailArguments , ‘undef’);

Thierry Thelliez

From the RT_SiteConfig.pm

Set($MailCommand , ‘smtp’);

That means that RT is trying to do the SMTP connection as the user
clicks “Submit” try switching to ‘sendmailpipe’


PGP.sig (186 Bytes)