how does 2.0 look? any eta for release?
i see on the web site about alpha 1-4 and beta; which one are we at now?
how does 2.0 look? any eta for release?
i see on the web site about alpha 1-4 and beta; which one are we at now?
how does 2.0 look? any eta for release?
i see on the web site about alpha 1-4 and beta; which one are we at now?
We’re heading toward alpha1. Which should happen in the next week.
I’m hesitant to put a date on an actual 2.0 release. Right now my time is being split between RT, a pre-funding startup and consulting to put food on the table…and well, you all know what sorts of time startups take.
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jesse reed vincent — —
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‘“As the company that brought users the Internet, Netscape is now inviting
the more than 60 million people who have used our client software to
‘tune up’ and upgrade to Netscape Communicator,” said Mike Homer,
senior vice president of marketing at Netscape.’ Sometimes I wonder.