1 email address to control tickets on 2 different RT Servers

We currently have 2 RT servers on site, one running RT3 (ticket numbers
1-11,000) and another running RT4 (ticket numbers 15000+).

We are planning to phase out the RT3 machine but in the mean time I want
both RT machines to be accessed via the same email address as to hide this
phase out from our users when the RT4 machine goes live

Ideally I would like RT to divert all emails relating to ticket numbers
between 1-14999 to our RT3 machine and anything above that to our RT4
machine. I would also like any new tickets to be created on the RT4 machine

Does anyone know of a way to get RT to behave in this way when using

Any help would be greatly appreciated

View this message in context: http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/1-email-address-to-control-tickets-on-2-different-RT-Servers-tp54116.html

We currently have 2 RT servers on site, one running RT3 (ticket numbers
1-11,000) and another running RT4 (ticket numbers 15000+).

We are planning to phase out the RT3 machine but in the mean time I want
both RT machines to be accessed via the same email address as to hide this
phase out from our users when the RT4 machine goes live

Ideally I would like RT to divert all emails relating to ticket numbers
between 1-14999 to our RT3 machine and anything above that to our RT4
machine. I would also like any new tickets to be created on the RT4 machine

Does anyone know of a way to get RT to behave in this way when using

make fetchmail send mails to an smtp server with header filtering
capacity (postfix) or to a script. Then make the smtp or the script
parse the email subject at least and pipe the mail to the right

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Phone: +33 (0) 1 43 35 00 37 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 43 35 00 76
mailto:elacour@easter-eggs.com - http://www.easter-eggs.com